Chapter 16. Pregnant!?!

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"And then what happend? " Cailin says

"I told him to stop... You guys know to much info on me and josh now"I laugh , they laugh as well

I hadn't told the girls about Unknown, or what Jayden had been telling me, I didn't want them being involved or getting hurt

"How's you and sam" I ask Cailin, she blushes deeply, Kayla gasps

"You have your virginty to him!!" Kayla squeals, Cailin just smiles while blushing

Cailin and Sam have been dating till 8th grade, they never fought much and they are perfect for each other, they trust each other

"Yeah.... It was amazing!" Cailin says as if she was remembering, I smile

"I'm so happy for you guys" I say to Cailin, she smiles

"So where did you do it... Like at your house, his house? Where" Kayla says trying to get every detail she can get, Cailin giggles

"Well... Remember how he took me to the really nice hotel with his family two days ago..." She says, Kayla gasps

"You did it while his parents where there?!?" Kayla gasps and I laugh

"Well no, they went out golfing, and me and Sam stayed home.. So yeah," she giggles "okay let's stop talking ab-"

Suddenly Kayla gasp and runs to the toilet vomiting  all over Cailins toilet, me and Cailin gasp and run over to Kayla

I quickly grab Kaylas hair so it doesn't get caught into the vomit while Cailin holds her head

"Oh no" Kayla says after she finished vomiting, she rubs the vomit of her mouth and then breaks down crying

"It's okay, I know vomiting can hurt after a party, don't cry" Cailin says and hugs her, Kayla shakes her head and hugs her back while sobbing

"No it's not like that" Kayla sobs, my eyes widen

"Kayla... Are you preg-" I start to say but Kayla hurts out crying

"Yes!!" She sobs "I took the test, and it came out fricken positive, I thought it was just lying"

I sit down next to Kayla and hug her

"Hey it's okay" I say rubbing her back

"I don't want to abort.. I don't want to live with the fact that I killed a baby" she sobs, Cailin and I look at each other and then nod with Kaylas decision

"Do you know who the father is..?" Cailin asks, Kayla nods

"Lachlan Hart.... We um, where kind of friends with benefits, he's the only guy I have slept with in 2 months" Kayla says, I raise my eyebrows

"Are you gonna tell him" I ask, Kayla nods

"I have to... I just don't know how he will take it but" Kayla says looking to the ground and wiping her tears

"Well let's go tell him" Cailin says, I look at her weirdly

"I don't know mayb-" I try to say but I get Interrupted  again

"Yes let's do it" Kayla says and stands up

"Are you sure?" I ask, Kayla nods

"I'm gonna have to tell him sometime.." She says, Cailin and I nod

Just as we start to walk, I quickly stop

"Wait Kayla.. Go have a shower you smell bad" I say and push her into the bathroom, Cailin nods and Kayla laughs and then shuts the door.

After Kayla washed her self and put on new clothes, we drove to Lachlan's house , Kayla had told us to stay in the car, while she went to talk to him

It's been 20 minutes and Cailin and I are worriedly sitting in the car

Finally Kayla comes out and looks down to the ground, she opens the car door and sit inside

"Soo..?" I say, Kayla looks up and smiles

"He said he wants to be here for the baby.. He thought I was joking at first but then I showed him the test" Kayla grins, Cailin and I smile and hug Kayla

"I can see the future all ready, I'll be like that second aunt that sits under the Christmas tree and drinks vodka , while you have to look after the baby" I laugh, Kayla and Cailin laugh with me

Kayla never had any brother or sisters, she was always an only child, Cailin and I where like her sisters

"Ugh I love you guys" Cailin smiles, Kayla and I nod and we all join in a hug

"I love you too, awesome losers" Kayla laughs and so do Cailin and I.


  So yeah, this chapter had nooooooooo boys in it, besides Lachlan haha

So Kayla is preggies :0 who thinks she will be a good mom, hahah *looks around to see everyone has hands down*

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