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"Have I told you I love you?" Ross chuckles

"Yes you have" A giggle escaped my lips

I love having these moments. He makes me feel loved like its the first time. Ross makes me feel confident in my self, makes me feel important and I love him for that. I can be my self when I'm around him.

"Thank you, for everything" I tell him and mean it

Ross didn't have a chance to respond because his phone rings.

"Sorry I have to take this" he kisses my cheek and leaves right away.

It doesn't seem like Ross. He usually ignores them unless it's really important.

I guess it's really important.

"Hello ma'am" the waitress says "are you ready to start your order?"

"Not right now I'm waiting for my boyfriend"

As 15 minutes pass by I'm just sitting patiently still waiting for him. What is taking so long

Is he... Cheating on me..?

I'm on the verge of crying right now.

Ross finally comes in

"We're have you been!?" I yell at him trying not to cry

"Hey babe, I have to go. I'm really sorry"

Are you freaking serious

Without Ross letting me say a word he just leaves.

I'm here alone. I didn't think out of all people Ross would leave me like that. I guess I was wrong. I couldn't hold it any longer. Tears go streaming down on my face. I feel like I'm overreacting but I have this feeling that he's cheating on me.

I head to the bathroom to check my mascara. I look like I've been crying for years when in reality it's been 5 minutes, not even.

I wipe my mascara off my face and head out. As I walk out I see Riker sitting at my table. I squint just to make sure I'm not going crazy.

"Hey bro. What are you doing here?" I ask him. I sit down on the other side of the table and wait for his response. It takes him a while to responds but he finally does.

"Um well.. Ross told me to pick you up because apparently he left you?" Riker states but it sounded more like a question.

"Why did he leave me." I ask on the verge of crying again. I know he didn't really leave me but just saying those words hurt. A lot of people in my life have left me and I don't want to feel this pain. It hurts a lot and I hate the feeling. It feels like they hate me and have something better to do. It feels like your not important. And Ross never made me feel like this.

"He didn't give me an explanation" Riker replies

I just sigh and leave Riker.

"Isabelle.. You don't have anyone to take you home"

"Then I'll walk" I say giving him some attitude

"Let me take you home" he gestures

I sigh "fine"

We leave the restaurant and head towards the parking lot.

We found his car parked and I get in. I slam the door and I startle him.

"Why are you so mad?" He asks

"Hm.. I don't know Riker maybe because my freaking boyfriend left me at a restaurant ALONE!" I yell at him. I have to admit I was a little harsh

*Ross' Pov*

"She's probably really pissed at me because I left her!" I tell her

"Ross it'll be fine"

I take a deep breath and get the ring.

I'm currently at the beach. I have a table with 2 chairs set up. I also put flower pedals to form a path at where I am with white small candles by the path. The path starts where the entrance where Riker is going to enter.

Rydel's phone rings. It possibly might be Riker. I start pacing back and forth bitting my nails.

"It's a message from Riker" Rydel tells me as she's scanning her phone without looking at me "They're here! Get ready!"

I do what Rydel tells me and get on one knee and I hold out the ring

*Isabelle's pov*

"Riker why are we at the beach?"

"You'll see"

Gee thanks Rik, that really helps. I get out of the car and see red pedals with white candelas by it.

"Riker what's this?" I ask him

He ignores me and continues to walk as I follow. We follow the red path. That's when I spot Ross on one knew holding out a gorgeous diamond ring.

My mouth goes wide and I cover them with my hands. Is he really proposing..?
I didn't expect this at all. I go a little closer to Ross.

"I know we've been dating for about 6 months but it's been the best 6 months. I know your the one. Your my Juliet and most importantly your the love of my life. I love your laugh. You have an amazing voice. And a sexy body" Ross tells me and I giggle "You're the sweetest person I know which would make you a great mother to our kids. Isabelle I want you to be my wife. I want you. And only you. I love you so much! Well you do the honor and marry me?" Ross asks me and looking deep into my eyes

I nod my head yes. I'm on the verge of crying again. This is so so sweet! Ross gets up and places the ring on my finger. I look at his gorgeous smile.

"I love you so much" I cried of tears of joy and smiled too

Ross spins me around and pecks my lips. He sets me down after he pecked my lips but I want more. I lean in,closing my eyes and Smashed our lips together touching his soft pink lips. This moment is so perfect. He puts his hands on my waist and I place one hand on his chest and the other running my fingers through his gorgeous blond hair. I can feel his heart beating really fast as mine does as well. He kisses me slow, steady, and passionate. As hearing the waves in the background. We slowly pull away from the kiss

"I love you more beautiful and I always will" he promises

I love how he calls me beautiful as if it's my name.

I hope you loved this chapter!

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You're for me, I'm for you (R5 fan fiction Completed)Where stories live. Discover now