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Leah's POV

I woke up and couldn't see much. Everything was just blurry. I started to feel a swelling pain in my face.

"Jen..." I said very quietly.

The house was so quiet. It was bright out. What happened? I tried sitting up but my body was too sore. I tried to call for Jen again.

"Jenny... Baby..."

I heard something move and start to run across the floor. Soon, I saw Jennifer appear in the doorway with water and 2 pills.

"Baby, I was waiting for you to wake up. Here, before you say anything else, take this."

I took the pills and drank a big gulp of water and laid back down. Her hand creased my cheek and around my eyes that was hurting.

"What happened last night? All I remember was him on top of me."

Her face grew sad and she looked like she was about to cry but at the same time, anger grew in her.

"My dad hit you... You knocked out and the police finally took him to jail. I brought you home. I didn't know what do to. So I just put u in bed. I'm so sorry he hurt you..."

A tear fell from her cheek.

"Jenny, I am glad your safe now. You are safe with me. I'm going to protect you. I pushed you out of the way for a reason. I didn't want you to get hurt."

I spoke softly and quietly. I lay my hand on hers. She looked at me and she was going to burst into tears. I grabbed the back of her head and slowly lowered her onto my chest. She laid their and finally she let everything out. My eye hurts a lot but I wouldnt want it any other way. I'm just happy she is safe.

The rest of the day we stayed at home. Jennifer took care of me and we just were enjoying being together. The next morning, Jennifer brought me my pills and water.

"Can you help me out of bed? I can't stand being in bed anymore."

"Yes, just be careful."

I used her as my crutch. It really was hard to get out of bed but I needed to get back on my feet. She helped me to the bathroom and helped me take a bath. She was helping me a lot and I would smile just thinking how sweet she is too me.

"Baby can you get me some water?"

"Yes ma'am."

We were watching a movie on the couch and my doorbell rang.

"Expecting someone?"


She went to the door and the familiar voices came to me.

"Lee, it's us darling!"

"Oh boy..."

"Darling! You look terrible what happened to you!"

My mom came and sat next to me while my dad and Jennifer talked.

"Mom, dad, what are you doing here?!"

"We tried calling to see if it was OK to stop by but you didn't answer so we just came on over."


"What happened to your eye?"

"Well I fell and hit the corner of the counter. But it was a good thing Jennifer was here to help me. Jennifer these are my parents. Parents this is my best friends daughter, Jennifer."

"It's my please you two. Leah, I'm gonna go shower."

"OK everything should be in their sweetie."

"Why is she here with you?"

"Well her dad is in jail and her mom died so... She is staying with me this break."

"She seems like a very nice gal. Listen I need to use the bathroom so old mama bear will be back."

"OK mom haha."

Once mom closed the door I was frightened. By the man I once called my father.

"You look good."

He started to step towards me and I stood up and backed away.

"Get away from me Tom."

"That's not how you treat your father, Leah."

"You are not my father, your my step father. George is my father, not you."

I started to walk towards my room but he blocked me.

"You will respect me, you know what happens if you don't."

I was so frightened of him. His hand slipped on my hip pulling me to him. I wanted to cry and hit him but I held back.

"Watch yourself honey."

I pushed past him and walked into the room closing the door. I was panting. I locked the door.

"Leah? Is that you?"


I walked to the bed and laid down. And a knock on my door got me back up.


"Honey we are taking off. Love you!"

"Love you too ma!"

I heard the front door close and I immediately started to cry silently. The shower stopped and Jennifer appeared around the doorway.

"Lee? Baby what's wrong?"

She walked to me in her towel and hugged me.

"I haven't been honest with you."


"Change and we will talk."

She changed quickly and I sat on the bed waiting for her. She came out and sat on the bed. We were both silent and she was waiting for me to talk.

"Your father physically abused you."

"Yeah and?"

"My step father sexually abused me."

"Wasn't that your dad?"

"No... He's my step dad. My parents divorced when I was 5 and they married when I was 8 and he started to sexually abuse me when I was 9."

"Why didnt you tell me this before Leah?"

"I didn't think I would see him again..."

"I'm really really sorry."

She hugged me and I hugged her back. I really have strong feeling for Jennifer. I love her. I don't want to see her hurt.

"I just don't want you to get hurt... I would never forgive myself if I saw you get hurt again."

"Nothing's going to happen. I promise."

I looked at her and kissed her lips. She creased my cheeks and whiped away the tears.

"I love you Jennifer... I will protect you."

"I love you too Leah..."

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