Letters From Them

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Jennifer's POV

It was Friday, about time. Jamie had still been trying to get to me. Leah put her on the other side of the room and put me next to her. This week since I left Monday I have felt like I was being watched. I don't want to tell Leah because I don't want to worrier her. We are in the middle of class but I need to tell Leah now. It can't wait. I whispered over to her.

"Can we talk outside?"

She nodded and helped me up then we walked outide.

"I'm just outside the door, not in another room so keep working."

She closed the door, crossed her arms and gave me her concerned attention.

"It's everything ok?"

"I couldn't wait to tell you but since I left ur class to go to work Monday, I've felt like I am being watched and I'm really uncomfortable."

"Ok, umm I will ask to check cameras to see what's going on. Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm just tired and want to go home."

"Me and you both, we will tonight. Just work and ur done."


We walked back in and class finished. I talked to Leah for a bit after the bell rang and then went to work. Jamie has been asking to give me a lift all week and it's been so annoying. I worked till 6 tonight, they let me out early. They gave me the weekend off since I came in this week. As usual I work then sat at a booth waiting for Leah to show up. When she did I always had a smile appear on my face.

"I didn't recognize how beautiful you look today babe."

"Don't make me blush! How was work my love?"

"Good tiring, I cleaned a little and set tables up."

"They are pushing you too hard. The doctor said you need to give your self at least two months for your leg, your boot goes on next week. And you wrist, your brace goes on tomorrow right?"

"Yes and I know but I have a house to pay for."

"Let me help you pay for it baby. Besides it's going to be OURS. We went shopping for color paints and fruniture. I will put everything together when my ribs heal."

"I want to do it together baby."

She smiled and so did I. I creased her hand a little then we ate and went home. I saw in the center console that she got the mail. I grabbed the pile and saw bills, bills, more bills, a letter? For Leah. Behind it was another letter, for me?

"Baby, we have letters?"

"From who love?"

"My dad and.... your dad..."

"Step or real?"


My stomach flipped while I looked at the letter from my father... the one in jail... who abused me for years on end. Leah reached over and held my hand.

"Believe me, I feel just the same. We will read them later ok?"

I nodded and put the stack back. We got home and got situated at my house. The first time I will be back here in so long. Lots of boxes and paints lay in every room. I walked in and I felt Leah wrap her arms around my waist.

"We're home."

I felt her smile against my cheek and I looked at her. She looked at me and I kissed her softly and sweetly. We both grinned against each other's lips. She helped me change and might have put a fresh hickey on my neck telling me it's ok people know I'm taken. She marked her territory and I have no problem with that. We sat on the couch cuddled into each other. I remembered the letter and grabbed both of ours. I was so scared to open it but I did and so did Leah. We cuddled as we read in silence the letters.


Jennifer I am so sorry for everything I have done to you. I am so so sorry. I know you won't be able to forgive or trust me anymore but please just give me a second chance. I promise I will act like an actual father to you. I miss you so much. You were the only thing lighting up my world. Come visit me so I can talk to you more, please Jennifer. Give me another chance.


I couldn't believe he wanted me to forgive him. I feel like this is a trap to let him out and then nice he's out I will never see the light of day ever again. I whipped my tears and I looked at Leah but I didn't realize she was curled into me crying.

"Baby no come here."

I wrapped my arms around her and she cried into my chest. I saw one word, rape. I read her letter and he wants the complete opposite. He wants to have sex with her again and he is threatening her. Not on my watch, she is not going to be hurt again.

"Hey won't touch you Leah and if he does, I will take him off of you. I won't let that bastered touch you again."

She curled closer to me an soon became calm. We decided to go upstairs to bed but wither of us could sleep. Lay flat on her back while I curled into her side. She was lightly rubbing my back and I was getting sleepy.

"What did your dad say?"

"Hey wants me to forgive him or to give him another chance. And go visit him to talk to him but... I feel like it's a trap."

"I think you should wait awhile before you go do that."

"I can't even stand to look at his name on that paper... I cant."

"And you don't have to baby. It's ok."

"I just can't believe after only being in jail for a couple weeks he already can't stand not seeing me. It's a trap and I'm not falling for it. He can stay in their, it's what his punishment is for hurting me."

"Hey won't hurt you anymore baby. Try to sleep this off ok?"

"Ok... I love you Leah."

"I love you more Jennifer."

I pecked her lips and fell asleep against her chest.

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