twenty questions

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Chapter 2:

Stepping outside of the club I shivered, Cole was right; it had turned colder, a cool breeze whipped around me causing my hair to fly out behind me. I pulled Cole’s jacket tighter around me, silently thanking him for insisting I wear it. I glanced over at Betsy who was wrapped up in Blondie – sorry Noah’s – arms, his own jacket tucked around her so that she wouldn’t feel the cold, which is kind of sweet when you think about it, especially when you think about how these guys hardly know us.

‘So where do you guys live?’ I asked as Cole led me towards a sleek black car, a dodge something or another I think but don’t hold me to that, I've never been good with cars, as long as they get me from a to b that’s all that matters to me. Oh and the colour, that’s always important, there’s no way I would be caught dead in an orange car or anything like that. No way at all.

Cole smiled down at me as he pulled a bunch of keys from his back pocket, clicking the button to unlock the doors ‘down by the beach’ he said opening the back door for me like a gentleman ‘this is going to be a bit of a squeeze’ he apologised as I slid into the soft leather seat ‘we didn’t realise we were going to have extra company with us tonight’

I shrugged my shoulders ‘that’s okay’ I said moving to the middle of the seat so Noah could slide Betsy in next to me ‘will she be okay like that?’ I asked him as he clicked her seatbelt in the slot ‘she looks kind of uncomfortable’

Noah chuckled ‘what do you think?’ he peered down at Betsy and smirked ‘I don’t think she's in any state to be complaining about her sitting position’

I looked at her and figured he was right. She was half sitting half laying across the back seat, her head lolling against my shoulder while her legs were curled up on the seat beside her, soft snores coming from her mouth ‘I guess your right’ I said as he shut the door quietly so as not to disturb her.

Cole chuckled softly ‘Perrie should be here in a few minutes then we’ll get going’ he told me as he closed the door gently.

I watched him as he stepped over to Noah and said something to him. Noah nodded and smiled as he glanced over at the car. Shit I really hoped they weren’t planning on doing anything to Betsy or I. I know Betsy said we might have to knock them out, but there was no way I could actually do it, not without hurting myself in the process. My decision to come with them didn’t seem so smart right now. I really could have kicked myself.

I swallowed back some of the fear that was building in me as I saw Perrie walking towards them a couple of bottles in her hands, for some reason it didn’t seem like such madness to be going with two strange guys as long as there was a girl with them. Yeah, flawed thinking I know, but hey, I've been drinking my logic is a bit out of whack. She said something to the guys which made them both laugh as she headed towards the car.

She opened the back door and climbed in beside me holding the bottles up for me to inspect, a bottle of vodka and a bottle of Jack Daniels ‘so, I thought you might want to continue with the party when we get back to our place’ she said stashing the bottles in her foot well ‘I don’t think Betsy's gonna be in any fit state to join us, but I'm sure Cole and Noah wouldn’t mind having a few drinks with us’

I smiled shyly as I thought about Cole and the way he had held on to me as we walked to the car, I could feel my cheeks getting hotter so I turned to look out of the window before Perrie would notice ‘um yeah maybe’ I answered quietly.

I saw Cole say something to Noah as they stopped beside the driver’s door. Noah smirked at whatever it was and glanced through the window in my direction making me wonder if they had been talking about me.

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