are you being serious?

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Chapter eight:

~ Maya's POV ~

As I laid on my bed later that night I couldn’t stop my mind from wondering back to the kiss Cole and I had shared. Like I told him it had been my first kiss and boy what a kiss it was. As soon as Cole's lips had brushed against mine I had felt a jolt of electricity run through my body. As he had pressed his lips harder against mine the initial jolt had turned into a current that coursed through me hitting very nerve ending and bringing them to life.

Smiling wider than I think I ever have before I reached over and grabbed my cell phone from the nightstand. Perrie had been otherwise engaged when Cole and I had returned to the beach house and she hadn’t emerged for the rest of the afternoon so once again I had left without saying goodbye.

I knew she wasn't working tonight so I had asked Noah to tell her that I would call her later. And now it was later.

I had wanted to tell Betsy about Cole kissing me, she is my best friend after all, but something inside of me had stopped me gushing to her. I won't lie, I do feel bad about it, we've always told each other everything and I always thought that when I got my first kiss she would be the first person I shared it with. But here i was about to call Perrie instead.

Swiping my finger across the screen to unlock my phone I quickly pulled up my contacts list and found Perrie's number. Keeping my fingers crossed that she wasn't still fooling around with Ashton I pressed the call button and waited for her to answer.

Five rings later I was just about to hang up when she picked up the call ‘hey my-my. You left again’ she said and I could almost hear the pout in her voice.

I giggled ‘did you really expect me to come to your room to say goodbye while you had Ashton in there with you?’ I snorted ‘who knows what I would have walked in on’

She chuckled ‘okay I’ll give you that. I wouldn’t want your innocent eyes seeing anything that might give you ideas’ I rolled my eyes even though she couldn’t see me ‘so come on missy spill’ I could hear rustling down the phone so I assumed she was getting comfortable on her bed. Either that or she was getting dressed which wouldn’t surprise me knowing Perrie ‘what happened?’

I sighed a happy sigh ‘we talked’ I said slowly, my smile getting wider ‘we went down to the beach and talked for a while’

‘Is that all?’ she interjected ‘didn’t you tell him you liked him?’

I laughed at her irritated tone ‘hold on Perrie I'm getting to that’

She gasped ‘does that mean you actually told him you liked him?’ she squealed again ‘oh my god my-my please tell me you told him’

‘Calm down Perrie’ I instructed as she continued squealing like a demented pig ‘we talked’ I scooted up the bed so that I could rest my back against the headboard ‘why didn’t you tell me about Megan?’

Her squeals stopped immediately ‘he told you about Megan?’ she half whispered.

I nodded ‘yeah he told me about Megan’ I confirmed thinking about how much love had been in Cole's eyes as he talked about his daughter ‘I can't say I was expecting to hear something like that when he told me he wanted to talk’

‘I can't believe he told you about Megan’ Perrie said sounding dumbstruck, as though she had been expecting Cole to hide the fact that he had a daughter ‘he must really like you’ she continued ‘he's never told any girl about Megan’

Although I didn’t want to think about Cole being with other girls I couldn’t help feeling a little bit proud about the fact that I was the person he had told his biggest secret to ‘I don’t know what to say to that’ I told her honestly.

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