meet megan

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Chapter 6:


‘you knew I was coming Natasha’ I snapped as my ex-girlfriend stood in the doorway of her parents’ house hands on hips glaring at me like I had threatened to take away her favourite jimmy choo’s or something ‘so stop with the evil looks and go get Megan’

Natasha scowled ‘and I told you we had to cancel this weekend Cole. Who the fuck do you think you are turning up here when I expressly told you not to?’

‘look, I'm not in the mood for this, just go get Megan so I can get the fuck out of here’ it was times like this I wanted to strangle Natasha, luckily for her I would never lay a hand on a woman and she knew that, I honestly think that’s why she spends so much energy on winding me up ‘your burning daylight here Tasha and I have plans’

Her eyes narrowed ‘you’re not taking her Cole. Darren and I have plans’

Ah yeah, that was the latest douche bags name ‘look, I don’t know who the fuck Darren is, and to be honest I don’t give a shit. What I do know is that you have two seconds to get your ass inside and get my daughter’

Natasha stared at me as though I had told her to go bungee jumping without a rope, hmm, that’s actually not a bad idea, I wonder if she’d take me up on the offer, I'd even pay for her ‘look Cole, me and Darren are taking Megan to his parents’ house for a barbecue before we head out of town for the night’

I sighed; sometimes I wonder what I ever saw in this girl. Don’t get me wrong, she is stunning to look at, with her trim, hourglass figure, shoulder length honey blonde hair and big brown eyes she is the type of girl men drool over and girls envy, but her personality sucks. She is the biggest bitch I have ever had the misfortune to meet, she is selfish and if she doesn’t get her own way she is majorly childish. This girl will literally stamp her feet to get what she wants. I never saw it when we got together, or maybe I did but chose to ignore it, I honestly don’t know, but I sure as hell see it now.

‘look Natasha, you and your new dick can go do whatever the fuck you want, but my daughter is coming with me just like we agreed’ I snarled, fed up of playing her stupid fucking games ‘now I suggest you go fetch her’

‘Darren is not a dick’ she protested in her shrill voice ‘he's the love of my life’

I snorted ‘yeah, just like Ben was last month, and George the month before that’ I shook my head, yeah she may be the mother of my child but she is also turned into the biggest slut I've ever met with a new guy near enough every month ‘I'd would tell him good luck cause he's gonna need it dating you… but I don’t care enough to. NOW.GO.GET.MEGAN’ I spoke the last words slowly so that she would know I was done with listening to her shit.

Natasha pouted and with a final glare she turned on her heels and slammed the door. I was hoping and praying she was going to fetch Megan, the last thing I wanted or needed was really getting into it with her. Arguing with Tasha never ends well; believe me I've done it often enough, usually because she's being a controlling bitch who refuses to let me see my daughter.

Five minutes later and my last nerve was about to snap, I was just about to ring the doorbell again when the door opened and Natasha came out followed by a tall skinny guy with long brown hair and thick rimmed black glasses. I didn’t pay much attention to either of them, no the person who held all my attention was my four and a half year old daughter Megan who was holding Natasha’s hand.

As soon as she saw me her face lit up with a big grin ‘daddy’ she squealed dropping Natasha’s hand to run over to me ‘I've missed you daddy’ she giggled as I lifted her in my arms and spun her around.

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