There's a reason i dont watch porn

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Chapter 3:

I've never felt so bad in my life. My head was pounding so hard I swear it felt like a tribe of mini cavemen had taken up residence in there and were in the process of renovating using really, really big hammers, my throat was burning like I had been swallowing flaming swords for fun and my stomach was churning so bad I could have given a washing machine a run for its money. To put it bluntly I felt like shit.

‘I think I'm gonna die’ Betsy’s muffled groan came from beside me ‘how much did I drink last night?’

I opened my eyes and instantly regretted it. The sun was streaming through a crack in the curtains, directly in my face I might add so I quickly screwed them shut, I knew I couldn’t spend the whole day in bed but I was going to prolong it as much as I could.

‘Oh’ Betsy groaned beside me letting me know she was awake ‘how much did I drink last night?’ she repeated shifting around which really didn’t help the nauseous feeling that had crept up on me. I felt her lift herself into a sitting position ‘um Maya, I don’t want to worry you…’ she began, her voice low ‘…but where the fuck are we?’

I figured she must still be drunk because it was clear that we were in bed ‘um, in bed?’ I asked, wondering if it was a trick question.

‘Well thank you captain obvious’ she snapped ‘and just so you know I'm not in the mood for any of that sergeant sarcastic shit so save it’

‘Somebody’s grouchy this morning’ I yawned, my eyes screwed shut tightly ‘why don’t you get some more sleep? You might wake up in a better mood’ I suggested as I snuggled deeper under the warm blankets ‘wake me up in a few hours’ I've never been good with mornings but I'm even worse after a big night out. Hangovers are a bitch that I cannot deal with.

‘Don’t you dare think about going back to sleep Maya’ Betsy warned poking my arm ‘we need to figure out where we are’

There she goes again ‘I thought we’d already established the fact that we are in bed’ I yawned again, I seriously needed more sleep, a couple of hours would hopefully help with the hangover ‘go back to sleep Betsy, I'm too tired for this right now’

She shook my shoulder ‘open your damn eyes and take a look around’ she demanded. I grunted, too tired to speak ‘Maya just do it’ her voice had taken on an edge that I didn’t recognise ‘please’

With a disgruntled sigh I opened my eyes and instantly regretted it. The dark blue curtains hadn’t been closed properly and the sun was shining through it, right into my eyes I might add. I quickly closed them ‘shit that’s bright’ I groaned ‘today is going to be a bitch’

Wait. Dark blue curtains? The curtains in my room are lilac and Betsy's are pink, where the hell are we? Then it all came flooding back. The club, Perrie, Noah and Cole, the beach house… and the stupid game of twenty questions that had been more like two hundred questions and had ended with Noah storming out of the room after answering Cole’s last question ‘well shit, I thought that was just a dream’ I muttered under my breath.

‘What? What did you think was a dream?’ Betsy asked ‘do you know where we are?’

I wondered if she would remember about flirting with Noah ‘yeah I know where we are’ I answered yawning again. Damn I really could do with some more sleep ‘what do you remember about last night?’ I questioned slowly. I had no idea how she was going to react once I told her where we were. Knowing Betsy it would go one of two ways, she would either be thrilled about being at Noah’s house or she would go mental over the fact that we were at Noah’s house. I was hoping for the first option.

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