Chapter 1

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"Lacey, hunny why dont you do us all a favour and move your fat ass to the front off class, you dont have any friends so move" the bitchy head of the cheerleaders laughed at me.
I bowed my head to appear shy, oooh i could of beat the shit out of her. But i wouldnt let her get away with fully humiliating me. So i left a sarcastic comment, "How am i fatter than you when im a size 6 and your a size 10 ?"
This is when shit hit the van, and i had to defend myself. As soon as i told her she was fat she punched me. Everyone was shouting "ooh,ooh" and some were shouting fight. I got up and repeatedly hit her until she was on the floor, i was staddling her and still punching her face , her friend went to kick me, but with my reflexes i grabbed her foot, twisted it and the pushed her away.
After a few minutes a someone grabbed me off of her and carried me out of the class room. "Get off of me" i shouted defencely as i turn around it was , "waooh there tiger i was just helping" as soon as i turn around Aiden the schools bad boy.... great.
Leave me alone i demanded him, but being Aiden he follows me and tells me that i should clean up my split lip. But being the stubborn me i told him to do one. I walked into to the toilets and looked in the mirror, "Nice black eye and cut lip" i spoke to myself sarcastically.
*riiiingggg* Well time for last period....great.
"Laceey Jones....what is the answer to this sum?" The teacher spoke
"Umm.... the answer is X = 64 y=2x4"
"Well done Laceey"
"Ok class you may leave early, as you have worked hard....have a nice weekend"
Well walking through the hallway is always something i hate, its like im invisble im always nudged and punshed out of the way, "Owww" i got knocked to the cold floor and my papers went everywhere so i was there on the floor rumiging around the floor picking up my papers.

I got into my car drove off after a while i just broke down crying its hard for me always feeling invisble, entering my house without my parents asking me about school, without my little sister running down the stairs jumping into a hug and without my older sister teaching me techniques from the gang.
I entered the quiet house and turned on the tv just for some background noise. I go into the the kitchen and grab an apple.
"Hey Lace, coming to gang training tonight?" Aaliyah texted me.
"Nah babe, tomorrow i will be though ive got to much school work"
"Common girl, you gotta start coming out more your starting to act like a nerd"
"Fine i'll be there in 10"
With that i ran upstairs in to my room, i put on my nike joggers, sports top and grabbed my training bag. I got in my new white flash audi and drove off.

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