chapter 4

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"Lacey can't you see.... I wanted to be with you and near you whether you were ignoring me or not, I enjoy your presence, now your arm ? "
"Umm .... fight"
"Lacey I know what you do after school"
"Yea I read books and do homework" i questioned getting worried but not showing.
" i know your in a gang I should know"
" that's stupid remember that I'm the nerd "
"I know your covering up to be a nerd"
"Don't be soo-" i got cut off as Aidens body posture changed as he raised his fist towards my face but I grabbed it, twisted it the i twisted his arm so that his arm was behind his back. Shit he got me.
"Oow haha I told haha ... you, rule 1 never stay relaxed with anyone even your gang members"

That is when I turned nasty I grabbed him at the scruf and pinned him to the wall behind me I whispered in his ear that if he ever and I mean ever say this to any one, let's just say your gang with be one member down. He grabbed my waist gently and came as close as he could that when he whispered to me don't worry babe your secret is safe with me as I was never always the Badboy his lips skimmed my ear making shivers go down my back.
"What do you mean you never always the badboy?" I questioned dumble knowing what he was going to say.
" i was the nerd"
All I did was laugh, until I realised he was serious.
"You mean your undercover as a badboy?"
"Yea badgirl"
" You can tell that I was the trouble maker at my other school then? "
He laughed, then said you really need to get your arm restitched how far is you gang Base from here Umm an hour and a half.
"We'll go to mine it's only 10 minutes, don't answer just get in your car and follow me"
I did what he said and followed him, it was exactly 10 minutes from the school. We came to a stop he got out of his car and I got out of mine. He signaled me to follow so I did what he said, as I walked through the double doors first a bloke and a women pinned me to the wall I kicked the bloke were it hurts and winded the women. "STOP" Aiden demanded she with me and with that Aiden took me into a small room and took the first aid kit that was hanging on the wall, he got out the stitching and unwrapped my bandaged "SHIT, what happened"
"The bullet missed my head and skimmed across my arm" i replied
After a while he finished stitching me up and applied my bandaged we started into each others eyes and with that he leaned in and kissed me with his soft lips.

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