Chapter 2

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" Lacey gurl how you holding up " Aaliyah asked
"Im fine, stop getting up all in ma face"
"You mad, i can tell you beat the shit outta me in sparring"
"He's back"
"What do you mean hes back ?"
"I seen him spying on me, he doesnt know i know"
"Laceey babe he aint gonna do shit, our gang is even bigger and stronger than before..."
"So has his, ive been spying on him i know where he trains"
"Show me en gurl"
"Ok dont tell the boys"
"Tell the boys what ?" Jordan questioned
"Its girl talk jordan... byee" i faked laughed.

Me and Aaliyah got into my white Audi and i sped off onto the free way. It took us about an hour to get to his drive. I gave Aaliyah a knife and took one for myself as you never know what could happen. As we got out of my car, we approached the buliding in a crouched position.
"What are they doing" Aaliyah questioned
"Why dont you, stroll up to them and ask them" i replied sarcastically
We laid there for a while just trying to listen to what they were saying, until someone grabbed my leg, i twisted my body so i could face the person grabbing my leg, i kicked him in the shin, he went to hit me with his gun but i kicked it upwards giving me time to get to my feet. I looked over to Aaliyah but this bloke was strangling her, i ran over and kicked flying to the floor, i staddled him and pulled out my knife and stabbed in straight in heart. Thats when i heard a gun being reloaded and pressed against the back of my head.
"Yea shit" the bloke said.
Thats when everything went black

"Laceey?....Lacey baby wake up" a familiar voice whispered
As I looked and my eyes focused to to shadowy figure I punched him and I wouldn't stop until he sweeps me I hit the cold floor, he then dragged me across the room by my hair i screamed in pain. Eventually he came to a stop in knew that was my chance I got up, elbowed him in the gut, I then hook kicked him in the face. I laughed and ran towards the door i swung it open and ran as fast as I could I found the stairs and ran down them I went to the front door but it was locked "shit" I cursed. I seen a window and took a few steps back I position my body and lunged forward push kicking the window which eventually smashed, I slowly guided my body threw the window, slightly slicing my hips and thighs on the broken glass, as my feet got to the floor I was starting to run but a car with blacked out windows pulled up in front of me.

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