Chapter 3

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As soon as I seen the car pull up in front of me I knew it was the end there was people from the other gang running towards me and obviously some of them is in that car....until a familiar face popped out calling me. "Laceey don't just stand there get in" Aaliyah laughed with Isacc

I ran into the car, gun shots were going off and hitting parts of the car. I always love this bit. I took Isaccs gun from his pocket as he was driving,i loaded the gun undid the window and leaned slightly out, and just fired shots. I shot the bloke that was on his motorbike and I shot the women in the passenger side of the car that was following us. I guess your probably questioning why Im hanging out of a moving vehicle when there are people shooting well yeah I'm starting to believe that, that was a bad idea too as a bullet skimmed my arm cutting it. "Oow" i screamed falling into the back seat.
"Lacey what's wrong? "Isacc questioned.
"The bullet skimmed her arm, it's bleeding quite a lot" Aaliyah answered for me.

**2 hours later**
Time:- 10pm

"This is the last stitching" Joe said applying a bandage to my arm.
"Thank you Joe, what would we do without" i hugged him
"Well you and the gang would be caught because none of you are qualified as a first aider like me" Joe bragged.
After I had my arm bandaged, I got the gang to do some fitness and martial arts training. We finished around 1am, I got in my car and Aaliyah jumped in mine as she lost her driving licence for speeding so I dropped her home.
I got home around 2am, i got dressed in my pj's I brushed hair, put my hair in a bun, walked into my on suite, brushed my teeth and then went to bed.

7:30am *ring*ring*

I hate the mornings I hate school, I moaned while getting up. No one better grab my bad arm otherwise they will have no arm. I got dressed into my high waisted shorts and a crop top, i brushed my teeth, i brushed my hair, i went downstairs and grabbed an apple.
It took my 30 minutes to get to school which isnt that bad. I parked my car and walked through the carpark to get to the school. I was walking down the hallway, thinking about the gang and wasn't really paying any attention to where I was walking,until I slammed into a hard body, i was falling until someone grabbed me,but they grabbed my arm which caused me to scream in pain, I pushed my self out of his grib causing my to fall, which to other people it looked like he had punched me then pushed me.
That's when a group of boys came toward the boy and me. One of the boys helped me up, but why was Aiden the school Badboy helping me with his friends. As he help me to my feet he walked over to the boy and punched him. That's when a crowd formed, Aiden and that boy were throwing punches at each other, throwing each other onto the lockers. I tried to stop them but one of Aidens friend held my waist and whispers " i wouldn't do that " so I turned around and said "watch me" and with that I got out of his grip, i walked into the middle of them and shouted "STOP" as I was saying that Aiden was still trying to get to the boy by throwing another punch until he seen me, I moved out of his fighting space by weaving out of the way. I told Aiden that the boy was doing anything but was stopping me from falling but he grabbed my bad arm that is injured. I apologised to the boy that tired to help me, he was a really forgiving guy. Then Aiden went up to the boy and says " sorry man, just a reflex" and with that the boy just laughed it off and says " nah man, it's nothing, this was shocking" he didn't make sense which means that its a sign of concusion so I told the boy to go to the nurse.

The group that formed eventually left. I went to walk off but Aiden called me " Lacey  wait".
" yes Aiden " i replied kind of weary of what he was gonna say
"How did you hurt your arm by the way as it must have been serious if you have bandaged it"
"Oh nothing serious just a sprain" i lied .
" Well it's the most strangest sprain I have ever seen" he stated.
" how can you judge a sprain" i questioned.
" Well firstly a sprained arm doesn't draw blood"
As soon as he said that I looked down towards my bandaged arm which had blood, i looked back up to Aiden and smirked and with that I ran off. I could hear him running after me. I ran out of the school and ran towards the carpark. I ran around it trying to find my car, I looked back and Aiden was gone. I smirked at that and kept running, but Aiden had other plans as I ran straight into him just as I found car. Shit.

"So, you gonna tell me what happened " he questioned.
"Umm what's it too you, plus you don't even know me or like me.... just like everyone else"
"I do, it's just I could never work out who you were, why do you think I always sat next to you in every lesson we had together, but you never spoke to me, even in physical education when I got you in my groups with my boys ,you helped us win as you my love are super fast, but you didn't talk to us we were trying to accept you and give you a chance"
All I did was just stare in shock.
"You mean.. uh that's why none of the girls like me, because you would.."
"Yes now about your arm"
"It Umm it doesn't matter"
That was Aiden grabbed waist and lean me on my car.

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