Chapter 6

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"I have a plan" Aiden said
'Tell me then " i demanded eagaly wanting to know.
"Well I'm in a gang but you'll have to ask my gang leader but there's one problem"
"He's our new leader and he only speaks spanish"
I thought I'd surprise him.
"Bueno, si él sólo habla español entonces creo que voy a tener que ser el traductor para los dos, para que podamos acabar con esa pandilla . Que mató a mis padres y hermanas."
"Uhh.. what"
" I said, Well if he only speaks spanish then i guess that i'll have to be the translator to you both, so that we can kill off that gang. Which killed my parents and sisters."

Well this is Estinò. " Hola Estino soy de otra pandilla y estoy cercano con Brennen yo estaba woundering si su pandilla y mi pandilla podrían emparejar hasta matar a la pandilla llamada los rippers" (Hi Estinò im from another gang and im close with Aiden i was woundering if your gang and my gang could pair up to kill the gang called the rippers)
He froze when I told him.
Then surprised me by saying
"Tú eras la chica que la familia fue capturada por ellos mataron a su mamá, papá , hermana mayor y hermana menor que le torturaron primero y luego te hacían ver que Jill tu familia y yo era el chico que estaba a tu lado cuando mi familia fue asesinada y hemos escapado de ellos juntos y usted tiene una cicatriz en la cadera derecha desde cuando el techo que estaba en collasped." (You were the girl that family was captured by they killed your mum,dad, ,older sister and younger sister they tortured you first then made you watch them kill you family and i was the boy that was next to you when my family was killed and we escaped from them together and you have a scar on your right hip from when the roof we was on collasped.)
I started to cry and hugged him. He hugged me back and whispers in my ear "Sí vamos a torturar y matar a los hijos de puta madre"(Yes we will torture and kill the mother fuckers)
"Gracias" i thanked him.
I walked over to a confused  Aiden he said he'll help. I also explained why I was crying and he just cut me off and kissed me.

After 2 hours we had a plan and decided to wait for a year which mean I'll be 18 and Brennen will be 19. We spent the rest of the weeks in the gym and the best part is that it's summer break so me and Brennen won't be missing school.
Me and Aiden trained as he was stronger than me and we realised that the blokes into the rippers gang are a lot stronger than me.

Me and Aiden are now in a tight relationship and it's been a 4 month solid relationship. He dresses how he comfortable now instead of wearing clothes he hates and pretending to be a nerd. Any way in school they questioned me but I just replied to , i love him whether you think he's a nerd or not because I know him better than you ever will. I also found out that Brennen is a right badboy as he's always in trouble in school.
I'm now 18 and Brennen's 19 we celebrated our birthdays with huge parties .

It's a month till we attack the rippers. I cannot wait to beat the shit outta them and murder the one that killed my family and tortured me. Me and Estinò promised that we wouldn't kill the 2 main blokes until they were together as they are brothers.

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