Chapter 1

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Emilia's POV:
" I'll be back soon!"
" Don't get killed. I'll see this afternoon."
" Ok bye. Oh! Tonks is going to watch you."
With that my father apparated away. Sometimes I hate him. I'm sixteen! I don't need Tonks to watch me. I don't even like her.
I hear a knock on the door. I get up and open it. I see Tonks. She smiles at me and I close the door in her face.
" What will Remus think when I tell him his daughter locked me out? He won't be happy."
I open the door and glare at her. She walks in and I slam the door shut. She jumps and I smirk. I'm scarier than Snape a lot of the time.
" Why do you hate me?"
" Always have, always will."
She sighs and sits on the couch. I go upstairs to my room and close the door. I lock it then open the window. I look around then climb out. I always do this when Tonks is here.
I climb to the very top and sit on the roof. I open up the door and climb into the attic. Nobody, but me, comes in here.
I play my music and dance around. I start to get lost in the music when I trip over something. I look at the object and see a fox. I walk over to it slowly. As I get closer I see that it's a cub.
" Hello there little guy."
It whines and I see why. It has a broken leg. I pick it up and run to my room. I unlock it, run in, then lock it again.
I get out some potions and a kit. I give it a potion the wrap up the injured leg. I made an area for it then placed it on one of my blankets. I played some calming music and sang to it. It soon fell asleep.
My father got home sooner than I thought he would. I hear him and Tonks talking 'till she leaves. I hear his footsteps stop at my door. He unlocks it then walks in.
" What is that?"
" Shh! Daddy this is Night. She's a fox cub. I'm helping her. She found her way into the attic and somehow broke her leg."
He gave a quiet chuckle then told me to get ready for tomorrow. I was so caught up in caring for Night that I forgot I'm going back to school tomorrow. I pack then fall asleep.
   I wake up to my dad shaking me. I groaned.
  " The wolf needs to get up."
  " Oh yeah? Well the wolf needs five more minuets."
   He chuckled loudly. I heard a small yawn so I shot up. I hit my head on Daddy's head.
  " Ow! Daddy can I please take Night with me? She acts like a cat!"
  " Fine. Just don't do that again."
  " I'll try not to."
   I packed up Night's stuff the picked her up. I went downstairs with my stuff then grabbed my father's arm. We appparated to the station. When we got there we found a compartment and sat down.
   I put my trunks up then grabbed the blanket Night used last night. I made it into a bed in the corner of a seat and set Night down on it. I curled up and rested my head on my father's shoulder. We decided to take the train because of our, um, little detail with a real tail. In other words we're werewolves. Not even Fred and George know.
   We both fell asleep.
   I woke up as it became cold. I looked around and saw Ron, Harry, and Hermione. Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, hissed at Night making her whimper. I growled at the cat and picked up Night carefully.
  " Hermione, I suggest you keep your cat away from Night."
  " Well it's your fault! You brought a vicious creature on the train."
  " Says you! You brought that thing here! Why'd the train stop?"
   They said nothing. The lights went out and I scooted closer to my father. I'm afraid of the dark.
  " Looks like someone's getting on."
   Five minuets after Harry said that the compartment door opened. A dementor floated in and I screamed. It went over to Harry then to me. I soon went out cold.
  " Mia? Mia! Mia wake up! Mia please wake up!"
  " Remus leave her alone!"
  " Poppy, it's been four days! How do you expect me to leave her alone? She's my daughter! I can't lose her. Not her too. I lost Emily, and I'm not gonna lose her."
   I open my eyes slightly. I see my father. He looks like he's been crying.
  " Don't worry Daddy. You won't lose me."
  " Mia!"
   He gives me a really tight hug.
  " I thought I lost you!"
  " You might if you don't let go."
  " Sorry."
  " It's ok. Now when can I get out?"
  " You can go now sweetie."
  " Thank you Poppy! Hey! It's a new record! Five days. Last time it was two weeks."
   She laughed and I got up. Dad gave me my schedule. I have Potions first. Yes! I love Potions. I'm the best in my grade.
  " Bye Daddy! I have to go to Potions!"
   I ran off to the dungeons and sat down. I was the first one there. The students soon fill in. Of course Diggory had to sit by me. Snape walked in. He counted attendance and saw me.
" Ah! The smartest is back. At least I won't have a problem with you."
I smirked. I'm like a mini Snape. I don't show emotions unless I'm around people I trust and like. I speak in a monotone voice around people I don't trust and hate.
" I'm glad I don't have a boring subject that I'd have a problem with."
He gave me a smirk and told us what we're doing. Of course I'm the first one done. I'm using my own book that I made adjustments to. I continued making adjustments.
I turned to the cover page and wrote: This belongs to the Half-blood Werewolf.
When I finished I grabbed a notebook and continued my spells. I made tons of them. Nobody knew about them. Nobody knew I made curses and counter curses. Or spells and counter spells.
Snape walked over with me knowing and saw what I was doing.
Severus' POV:
I saw Emilia writing something. I quietly walked over and looked at the notebook. She's making spells. I look at her desk and saw her Potions book. I grabbed it quickly and went back to my desk.
When they all left Emilia was looking for it.
" What are you looking for, Miss Lupin?"
" I can't find my Potions book."
" I'll find it. Go to your next class."
" Fine. Good day."
When she left I sighed. She's just like me. I open her Potions book and see something. On the cover page it says: This belongs to the Half-blood Werewolf.
Ok then. I look through it and see corrections. She really is an amazing student.
I walk to the Great Hall with Emilia's book. I find her by herself with the notebook. I walk over to her and stop. Some students look up at me then at her. She doesn't notice.
" I know he's there so stop looking at me!"
Everyone jumped and looked away.
" I'm assuming you found my book?"
" Yes. Looks like you've made corrections to it. I've done the same with my books. I also made my own curse."
" Thank you for bringing it back. Next time don't take it from me. I don't like people who take my things and snoop in them."
I set it down and walked to the Staff Table. I saw my seat and Dumbledore smiled at me. Great! He's going to want to talk.
I sit down and Albus faces me.
" That was interesting. Did you know you're he favorite teacher?"
" No I didn't. What about her father?"
" I talked to her. She still says you're her favorite teacher. She's depressed so she focuses on what's most important to her. Potions and making spells. She experiments with both of them in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. It turns out she has a lab a her house. Her attic to be exact. She needs someone who understands her."
" She has those blasted Weasley twins."
" Have you noticed they've stopped hanging out? Look at them."
I look at the Gryfindor table and see the twins heading over to her. They sit down and she closes her notebook. I listen to them.
" Hey Georgie, look at this."
Fred takes the notebook from her.
" Fred give me that back."
" I don't think I will. You've stopped hanging out with us. Why?"
" I've have been doing important things."
" More important than us?"
" Yes George. Way more important. You two wouldn't understand."
" We would if you'd tell us!"
" Well I don't want to! Now give it back!"
" I don't think I will."
They run out so I exit. I see them holding it with their wands pointed at it. They set it on fire.
" No! Those took ages to write! You two are lucky I memorized everything in that!"
" No we're not. We're no longer friends with you. You don't care about the most important thing. Friendship. Everyone's scared of you. We're the only friends you had. No wonder everyone's scared though. You're a jerk! A monster!"
She started crying so I stepped out. The boys looked scared at me.
" You two detention tomorrow at eight with me."
They nodded and ran off. I knelt next to Emilia.
  " You know, I understand. I've been through everything you have. Would you like a friend who understands?"
  " Yes. I'd love that Professor."
  " When it's just us call me Severus. Would you like me to help with those spells and potions?"
   She jumped up and smiled. I was a little shocked. It must've shown in my face cause she laughed.
  " I trust you so I'll show my emotions."
   I nodded and she led me to her little lab. She unlocked it then locked it.
  " This is my lab. Impressive isn't it?"
  " Yes it is Emilia. Yes it is."

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