Chapter 2

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Emilia's POV:
Severus and I have been getting closer through out the year. We work on potions and spell when nobody's around.
Right now I'm by the Black Lake enjoying the scenery. Fred and George walk over to me. I don't pay attention. I see Hermione coming over. The twins speak up.
" Hey! Lupin! What has a red face and is wearing jeans?"
I ignore him.
" You. Levicourpse!"
I'm soon hanging from my ankles. I see my dad and Hermione. Hermione runs over and yells at the twins to put me down. I get mad. I feel like a pureblood for a moment.
" I don't need help from a Mudblood."
She looked furious. I immediately regretted it. She's technically my best friend.
" Hermione I didn't-"
" Save it Lupin!"
She makes the twin drop their arms making me fall on my back. My dad looks furious.
I get up and run. I run to the lab and cry. Severus enters soon and sees me. He kneels next to me.
" What's wrong Emia?"
Emia is his nickname for me.
" I-I called Hermione something horrible. I just got do mad. She was my best friend after the twins. My dad is now furious and I don't know what to do. I felt like a Slytherin."
" What did you call her?"
" I called her a M-Mudblood."
I cried harder. Severus froze.
" I called Lily that as well. James was using levicoupse on me and I just go so mad."
I was shocked. That's what happened to me.
" That just happened to me."
" No wonder your father was mad. It wasn't you though. It was the twins that made him mad."
We talked for an hour before I went to find my dad. I went to his chambers. He was there.
" Daddy?"
" Hello Mia. I knew this would happen."
" It's not your fault. It's their fault. They did the same thing that James did years ago. I should've walked away."
" That wouldn't have worked."
I nodded. We went down to the Great Hall together. When we opened the door all the Gryfindors looked towards us. They all glared at me. I found the twins and walked over to them. I glared at them making them flinch.
" How dare you levitate me?! Your the reason I called Hermione that name! I'm fed up with your tormenting! I hate you two! You caused this! You're the reason everyone now hates me!" With that I start to cry. Harry, Ron, and Hermione walk over to us. I looked down. I hear the twins groan in pain.
I look up to see them with broken noses. I laugh a bit. I look at Hermione to see her smiling.
" I knew you wouldn't call me that. I guess I just got mad."
" It's ok. Friends?"
" Friends."
I hug her.
The year went by fast and it's time for the last full moon of the year. Severus looks upset.
" Severus, what's wrong?"
" It's just, you might find your mate tonight."
" Don't worry Severus. We'll still be best friends. I'll be with my dad so you can drop off the potions at 7:45. I'll see you tomorrow."
He nods and I leave. Severus and I are best friends now. On weekends we're inseparable.
At 7:30 my dad looks like he's going to go insane.
" They had to! They just had to! Shit! Mia, we have to save your friends!"
I look at the map and gasp. My friends are stupid. I see them enter the Shrieking Shack.
Once we get to the willow tree I freeze it. We run in and it seems Hermione heard us.
" Up here! We're up here! Sirius Black!"
We ran up the stairs and I disarmed all of them. I helped my godfather up. I'm the only one who saw what truly happened. I explained to Severus and he believed me. He said if he finds them he's going to act like he's going to kill him.
We explained to Harry what happened. I saw the door creak open. I smiled and rolled my eyes. I walked over to where I thought he was. I was correct.
" Time to make a scene."
Harry asks my father a question. Severus answers.
" That's right Potter."
We go through this whole thing and it's quite funny.
" Stupify!"
Severus flies backwards and goes unconscious. I gasp and walk over to him. I sigh in relief. He's alive.
Pettigrew gets his assed kicked and it's funny. Soon we're outside. I set Severus down and join my father.
" Harry!"
We all look towards Hermione who's pointing at the moon. I go into a painful trance. I whine in pain as I start to shift. I howl with my father and we walk towards the others. Severus walks out and I stop. He smells amazing.
My father advances towards him and I get protective. I attack my dad and send him reeling into a tree. I take a protective stance in front of Severus. I realize that he's my mate. Sirius trots forward towards us and I attack him.
My dad soon gets up and scratches Sev. I growl at him. I hear a howl and my father howls back and runs to the forest. I go to Sev to make sure he's alright. I sniff him and find the scratch my dad gave him.
   I whined in pain as I somehow shifted back. I'm a little shocked at this.
   I grab some fabric from my pocket and wrap Sev's arm. When the others are gone I hug him. I feel a lot of fireworks right now.
  " How come you didn't attack me?"
  " It seems I've found my mate. You. Are. My. Mate."
   He looked a little shocked at this. I hugged him again and fireworks went off once more.
  " You'll have to become an animagus you know. For the full moons."
   He gave a low chuckle. I smiled and hugged him once more. This time he hugged me back.
" What would I do without you?"
" I don't know Emia. I don't know."
The next morning I find myself in the Infirmary. I look around and see Sev. I smile widely at him.
" How are you Emia?"
" Fine, why?"
" Last night you shifted again. You may have left a mark. On me."
He rolls up the sleeve on his right arm. I see a bite mark that fits my teeth perfectly. I groan at the sight. I bit my mate.
" Don't worry. Looks like I have a reason to like your father more."
" What else happened last night?"
He frowned at this.
" yourself."
I sighed I relief. Sev gave my a weird look.
" I thought I killed someone. Where's my dad?"
Sev looked around the room. He looked off.
" Sev, where's my father?"
" He left. This morning."
Sev immediately hugged me calming me down. I'm still pretty pissed that he did that. I snuggled closer into Sev's chest. I shifted into my animagus form, a black cat.
Sev scratched my ears and I purred. Harry soon walked in. He saw Sev smiling and tried to walk away.
" What do you want, Potter?"
I smack Sev across the face with my tail.
" I was going to tell Emilia her father left something for her in his old office."
With that I jumped out of Sev's arms and sprinted to the office. When I got there I shifted and walked in. I saw a box and a note. The note said: I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye. Someone slipped up that we're werewolves and parents wouldn't like a werewolf teaching their children. You were unconscious when I went to tell you. I'm sorry. This is for you though.
I looked at the box and opened it. I saw a locket with a picture of Dad, Mum, and I. I smiled and put it on.
Shifted then ran to Sev. I found him in the hallway looking for me. I jump onto his shoulder scaring him. He smiled at me then looked at my neck. He opens the heart collar and looks at the picture. I jump off his shoulder and shift.
" Who's the lady next to you?"
" My mum. She died trying to protect me from Greyback."
He frowned and hugged me. I explained to him what she did, what she liked, etc.
When it's time for the feast I'm the last one there. I slowly open the doors and everyone looks at me. I sit down at my house table and everyone scoots away from me.
Tears threaten to fall. After Dumbledore's farewell speech I run out and shift into my cat form. My blue eyes shine brightly in the shadows. I see Fred walk towards the shadows. He sees my eyes and walked toward me. I hiss and growl at him.
He jumps back and runs away. I mewl in success. I see Mrs.Norris and walk over to her.
" Hello, Mrs.Norris. How are you?"
" I'm fine. Thank you for asking, Shadow. How are you?"
" I'm good. Oh boy! Here comes Filch! I must go."
" Goodbye. See you around."
" Same to you."
With that I go back to my corner. I see Sev looking for me. I decided to jump in front of him. He sees me and jumps five feet in the air. I shift and laugh at him. He just smiles and laughs as well. Little did we know Dumbledore was watching us.

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