Chapter 4

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Emilia's POV:
I decide to gather the band. We go to the R.O.R to practice. We work on our new song that we're performing tonight, before the champions are chosen.
We put our masks on and wait to perform.
" Now it's once again time for Midnight Hope."
We walk on the stage. Luna and Ginny go to the piano, Katie and Hermione go to the violins, while I go to the mic.
  " Hello everyone! I'm Shadow. You already know that though. So this is called A Thousand Years. I wrote it for my mate, just so he knows that I love him."
Me: Heart beats fast. Colors and promises. How to be brave, how can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone, all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow. One step closer. I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more. Time stands still. Beauty in all she is. I will be brave. I will not let anything take away, what's standing in front of me. Every breath, every hour had come to this. One step closer. I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more. And along I believed I would find you. Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more! One step closer. One step closer. I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more. And along I believed I would find you. Time had brought your heart to me, I have lived you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more.
   I finished and got a round if applause. We all bowed and walked away. When we came back into the hall we sat at our own table. Dumbledore gave us a pack table. I looked at Sev. He had a ghost of a smile on his face.
  " The champion from Durmstrang, Viktor Krum! From Beubaxton, Fluer Delacorr. From Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory. These are our..."
He was cut off by the fire going bright red. Two pieces of parchment shot out of it.
" Harry Potter! Emilia Lupin!"
I looked at the girls in pure terror. He called our names again. I went up and grabbed my parchment. Sure enough my name was on it.
   I went to where the other champions were. The girls were let in. They run to me and I start crying. I'm completely terrified.
   Sev walks in while the other teachers walk in. The other school heads, walk in storming. They walk past Sev. Dumbledore questions Harry. Then he comes to me.
  " Did you put your name in the goblet?! Did you?!"
   I start crying harder. Sev comes to my rescue.
  " Albus think! Would she be crying in pure fear if she did?! It's obvious she's doesn't want to! Even if she is old enough."
   He kneels by my side and takes me in a hug. I lean into his chest and quit crying. I freeze in fear when Mr.Crouch says we have to compete. We all stand up. I faint.
Severus' POV:
   The pack and I get up. I watch as Emia closes her eyes and falls. Hermione catches her. I turn to the other competitors. Potter and Diggory looked like they were going insane.
  " Yes. We're mates. Tell anyone and you won't live to compete."
   Hermione takes Emia to the hospital wing. The rest of the pack and I walk to our personal pack chambers.
Emilia's POV:
   I woke up in the hospital room. Nobody was there. Must be classes. Poppy came out.
  " You may go to Potions now."
  " Thanks Poppy."
   She rolls her eyes and I run out. I shift and run to Potions. I go through the hole in the door and jump on my chair. Sev looks at me.
  " No animals in my classroom, Lupin."
   I shift and smirk.
  " What are you saying, Professor?"
  " Felix Filisis."
   I grab my ingredients and start. First one done like always.
  " You may leave."
  " Then goodbye."
   I shifted and went to my hiding spot inside the classroom. When the class was over Sev walked to me.
  " No animals, Emia."
   I huff and smack him with my tail. He chuckles a bit. I love the sound of it. I shift and look up at him.
" I just have a thing for passing out don't I?"
Sev chuckles once more. I actually blush at the sound of it. He seems to notice.
" Is Emilia Lupin, blushing? The impossible has happened."
I roll my eyes at him while crossing my arms.
" Shut up," I whine." It's only because you're my mate."
This causes him to laugh more. I pout at him. This makes him stop. He walks over and pulls me into a hug.
  " You know I only tease you because I love you, right?"
  " I know. Oh! I have to go and practice with the others! Bye!"
   I run out before I hear his reply. I meet up with the girls. We practice for hours. When we're done we go to our pack chambers. Once I see Sev I smile.
A couple weeks go by and it's time for the first task. Fun.
I'm sorry it's short. I'm just too tired.

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