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Emilia's POV:
   It's the day of the first task and I'm getting ready. I got into my tournament uniform. Then I ran into the tent and stood with Harry. We had to reach in a bag and grab a little dragon.
   Harry went before me. He grabbed the Hungarian Horntail. Now it's my turn. I  reach in and grab a beautiful white dragon.
  " Oh no. The American Pearl."
   I just continued staring until fingers snapped in my face. My head jolted up. I saw Severus.
" Be careful when you're out there. That dragon puts female anything under a trance. You cannot look it in the eye."
I nod before I go out. I look around to see the dragon staring at my pack. I shift I pad silently to the golden egg. I shift once more and grab it.
The crowd yells and cheers. This caused the dragon to look at me. My eyes met it's eyes. I freeze. All I saw was fire, then everything went black.
Severus' POV:
I watched in fear as the dragon looked Emia in the eyes. Fire covered her as she fell. The thing that caught my eye was the fire wasn't coming from the dragon. It was coming from her.
   As the dragon keeps left, Emia was carried into the tent. The pack and I ran to it. When we got there she was waking up.
  " Emia."
   Her head lifted at the sound of our voices. She smiles then jolts up.
" Why am I not burnt? What happened?"
Dumbledore rushes in. He answers her question.
" You're an elemental. You can control fire."
We all let out a sigh. She's a werewolf. She doesn't need this. I walk over and sit next to her.
" Are you alright, Emia?"
" I'm fine. Now I don't wonder about my high body temperature."
We all laughed. We all ended up falling asleep there.
Emilia's POV:
It's now time for the Yule Ball. We're performing. River wrote a song that's perfect for this. Ronald needs to learn to ask the right way. We were soon called on stage.
  " Hello everyone. I'm River and we'll be singing a song I wrote. This is called Genie in a Bottle."

River: I feel like I've been locked up tight for a century of lonely nights. Waiting for someone to release me. You're making a rainbow, blowing kisses my way. But that don't mean I'm gonna hear what you say, baby, baby, baby. Oh, oh, oh...

Me: My mind is saying let's go.

River: Oh, oh, oh...

Moon: But my heart is saying no.

All: If you wanna be with me, baby there's a price to pay. I'm a genie in a bottle, you gotta ask me the right way. If you wanna be with me, I can make your wish come true. You gotta make a big impression, I gotta like what you do.

Ruby: I'm a genie in a bottle baby, gotta catch me the right way Honey.

Snow: I'm a genie in a bottle baby. Come, come, come and let me out.

River: The music fading and the lights down low. Just one more dance and we're good to go. Waiting someone who gets me. My mind is racing at the speed of light. So, we're gonna have a little fun tonight baby, baby, baby. Oh, oh, oh...

Me: My mind is saying let's go.

River: Oh, oh, oh...

Moon: But my heart is saying no.

All: If you wanna be with me, baby there's a price to pay. I'm a genie in a bottle, you gotta ask me the right way. If you wanna be with me, I can make your wish come true. Just come and set me free baby, and I'll be with you.

Ruby: I'm a genie in a bottle baby. You gotta catch me the right way Honey.

Snow: I'm a genie in a bottle baby. Come, come, come and let me out.

All: I'm a genie in a bottle baby. You gotta catch me the right way Honey. Im a genie in a bottle baby. Come, come, come and let me out.

River: Oh, oh, oh...

Me: My mind is saying let's go.

River: Oh, oh, oh...

Moon: If you wanna be with me, baby there's a price to pay.

Ruby: I'm a genie in a bottle baby, you gotta ask me the right way.

Snow: If you wanna be with me, I can make your wish come true. Just come and set me free baby, and I'll be with you.

All: I'm a genie in a bottle baby. Gotta catch me the right way Honey. I'm a genie in a bottle baby. Come, come, come and let me out.(repeat one more time)

River: I'm a genie in a bottle baby.

We got a lot of applause for that one. Now it's time for the champions to dance. Yay me! Did you catch the sarcasm? Good.
   After I danced for hours, with friends, I ran out of the Great Hall. My arm was grabbed by some Slytherin.
  " Why don't you come see how Slytherins party."
  " I have a boyfriend."
Technically he's my mate, but this guy doesn't need to know.
  " Don't care. Come on."
   As he pulled me away I screamed. I hope the others heard. Soon the Slytherin attacked me. They used the Cruciatus curse on me. I screamed in pain. I hear hundreds of fast footsteps, but I passed out before they reached me.
Hermione's POV:
Ginny, Luna, Katie-Bell, and I stop dancing as we hear a scream. Severus looks around as well. Everyone stopped as the screams get louder. The pack and I sprint with everyone following us.
Ginny, Luna, Katie-Bell, and I screamed at the sight. It was Mia. She was tortured. Severus looked like he was trying not to cry or freak out at the sight of his mate.
Dumbledore and the rest of the teachers joined us, next to her. They told every student to go to their dorms. Then he turned to McGonagall.
" Floo to Remus' and get him. Get Tonks too."
McGonagall ran off to the closest office. Then Dumbledore turned to Severus.
" Carry her to the Hospital Wing. You four, follow him."
We all run at the same speed. When we reach the infirmary/hospital wing, we set her down. Severus looks shaken.
" Emia? Emia, can you hear me?"
   We all burst into sobs for some reason. Suddenly two pairs of pounding footsteps were heard. The doors burst open.
" Where is she?! Where is my daughter?!"
Lupin saw us and ran over, some lady following. The lady gasped. Lupin stood there with wide eyes. He turned and glared at Severus. This cause us to stop crying.
" What happened?"
" Someone tortured her."
" How?! You should've been with her! You're her mate! Why were you not with here!"
Ginny, Katie, Luna, and I growled lowly as he yells at our alpha. We all step in front of Severus as if to protect him.
" What are you four doing?"
I answer for us.
" You're yelling at our alpha. We won't tolerate it."
Lupin now looks confused.
" Alpha?"
We all nod. Severus answers.
" We have made a pack. As I am the male wolf, I'm am the alpha. It's alright girls. You can step away."
We do what he says but continue to glare at Lupin.
" None of us saw Emia leave the hall. We thought she was still there until we heard her scream. I was talking with Albus, while the others were dancing."
   Lupin didn't believe Severus. He let out a growl so we moved forward. He then growled at us. We a walked back in fear.
  " Daddy... it was my... fault."

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