Chapter 3

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Emilia's POV:
Once I left the school I've been a little depressed. Ok, really depressed. I snap at everyone. I snap at Tonks way more that usual. Speaking of Tonks she'll be here in like three seconds.
I heard a knock on the door and got up. I opened it and sat back down. Tonks walked in and sat on the other couch.
" Hello Emilia."
" Hello Nymphadora."
Her hair turns a flaming red.
" Don't call me Nymphadora!"
I glared at her for a minuet. She calmed down.
" I can't believe that Snivellus is teaching potions! I swear he'll kill someone."
I snapped. I stood up and walked over to her. She looks a little scared.
" What did you call him?"
" Snivellus. Why?"
" Don't you ever call him that again!"
With that I stormed upstairs. I heard my dad open the front door so I ran downstairs. I glared at Tonks before she left.
" Care to explain why you yelled at Tonks?"
" She called Sev Snivellus. I have a right to defend him."
He looked fairly confused.
" That doesn't explain it. Why have you been so rude since you got home?"
" Maybe it's because I'm far from my mate."
He froze. He turned to face me slowly.
" Who's your mate?"
" Sev is. I don't care what you think. I found out the night before you left."
He looked like he was about to say something. He didn't have the chance because I fell to the floor. Soon all went black.
I woke up to see a very mad father. I looked to see why and saw Sev. I shifted and jumped on his shoulder. I scared him some.
" Don't do that Shadow. I've told you many times."
I just meow and rub my neck against his neck. He scratches my ear making me purr. My father looks pissed.
I jump off Sev's shoulder and shift.
" Have anything to say?"
" Yes. Your mates with him!"
I roll my eyes and hug Sev. I smile as he hugs back. My father starts yelling making me jump and shift. I jump into Sev's arms and fall asleep. I wake up with my head on Sev's chest. I blush a bit.
   Weeks pass by and it's time for school. Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Katie decided to make a band. We call ourselves Midnight Hope. Hermione's stage name is River, Luna's is Moon, Ginny's is Ruby, Katie's is Snow, and mine is Shadow. They're my best friends and they became wolf animagi just for me. Their stage names are their nicknames.
   We got everything ready. It's Halloween and there's going to be two other schools coming. We decided that it will be our first performance. We've been practicing for days in the R.o.R.
   Right now we're getting ready for the feast.
  " Snow! Ruby! Moon! River! Come on! We have to go set up!"
   With that all of us set up our stage and get into our outfits. We gave ourselves ears and tails that match our animagi colors. Turns out I'm a double animagus. We made sure that our ears and tail only come out when we put on our masks.
  " Let us welcome the girls of Beubaxton Academy."
   A bunch if girls did some strange thing.
  " Now let's welcome the sons of Durmstrang."
   A bunch of boys did a really cool performance. After Dumbledore explained the tournament he called us. 
  " Now, it's time for a great performance. Please welcome Midnight Hope!"
   We put on our masks and walked on the stage. We each grabbed a mic.
  " Hello Hogwarts! And others! We are Midnight Hope. We are not only a band but a pack. I am Shadow."
  " I am River."
  " I am Moon."
  " I am Ruby."
  " And I am Snow."
   They nodded to me and I once again spoke up.
  " This song is called Human. I wrote this for my mate's best friend. She is no longer with us but we cherish her memory."
Shadow: I can hold my breath.
River: I can bite my tongue.
Moon: I can stay awake for days, if that's what you want.
Ruby: Be your number one.
Snow: I can fake a smile.
Shadow: I can force a laugh.
River: I can dance and play the part, if that's what you ask.
Moon: Give you all I am.
All: I can do it.
All: I can do it.
All: I can do it.
All: But I'm only human. And I bleed when I fall down. I'm only human. And I crash and I brake down. You're words in my head, knives in my heart. You build me up and then I fall apart, 'cause I'm only human.
River: I can turn it on.
Moon: Be a good machine.
Ruby: I can hold the weight of worlds, if that's what you need.
Snow: Be your everything.
All: I can do it!
All: I can do it!
All: I'll get through it!
All: But I'm only human. And I bleed and I fall down. I'm only human. And I crash and I break down. Your words in my head, knives in my heart. You build me up and then I fall apart, 'cause I'm only human.
Shadow: I'm only human.
River: I'm only human.
Moon: Just a little human.
Ruby: I can take so much.
Snow: 'Till I've had enough.
All: 'Cause I'm only human. And I bleed when I fall down. I'm only human. And I crash and I break down. Your words in my head, knives in my heart. You build me up and then I fall apart, 'cause I'm only hamun.
   We get a huge round of applause as we walked off the stage. When nobody could see us we took our masks off and jumped up and down squealing.
  " I can't believe it! That was terrifying."
  " Yeah it was!"
We walked into the Great Hall and sit down. Luna goes to her house table. We turn to Harry and Ron.
" You guys missed the show."
" Believe me. We saw it."
They looked confused and we laughed.

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