Chapter 1

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I shuddered and somehow suppressed a scream leaving from my throat as the nearby wall crashed. To say that I was terrified is really an understatement. I believe that I must be dead or dreaming. Else how could this be happening at all? I was supposed to be sitting in my office desk meticulously researching material on my computer or scratching my head over a boring social article. A combat for me is nothing but a 3D game with a graphic hero fighting gruesome enemies. I had been on a 10 to 8 job for quite some time now and frankly I was bored with my life. With no stable relationship, no true friend and staying away from the family, my life already sucked. I could in fact be competing for the crown of boredom and surely would be chosen queen without any doubt. I mean I like adventure stated that I had nothing of it in my life for a very long time, and who doesn't like it? But being in the middle of a war and your life hanging by a string that can snap anytime, well I think I would choose my boredom over it. There was another crashing sound, this time it was more of a noisy thud, kind of dropping something heavy over a pile of junks. I closed my eyes cursing myself under my breath for coming to this dammed place when a rough hand covered my mouth and another strong arm wrapped me around my waist. I tried to scream as I am swung around, but my scream came out as a muffle.

I am instantly made to stand on my trembling legs and a figure dragged me towards a corner with great pull. It was still dusty from the wall crash and the smell of gun powder still strong and heavy in the air. I was scared that my heart would leap out of my chest anytime. We ran to a corner wall for cover from the random firing, actually my captor ran and I was dragged along attempting my best not to fall and hurt my legs. As we hid behind the wall I found myself looking at jacket clad shoulders and a tall and well-built frame. I could see dark brown hair slightly curled above the neck of the jacket and apart from the ensemble of the rampant metallic sounds the only thing I could hear was the curses from the menace of a man in my front. I decided this was the time to escape and as I took few steps back I heard the man speaking to me "Ummm, bad idea. You will be taken down like a duck if you move away from the wall". Before I could respond he turned and winked at me. My eyes landed on the face which looked divine with a naughty smile if you ignore the imprints of the combat. My already troubled heart took another violent leap and I mentally shot myself dead. I was about to say something when he put a finger on his lips and gestured me to keep quite.

I stood dead on spot and leaned against my cover praying with my eyes closed so that I don't faint. In my own darkness I could hear feet stamping on the ground, shouting, cursing and of course firing. I don't know how long it went for I was almost losing my consciousness. After what seem like an eternity I somehow gathered my left over strength and convinced myself to open my eyes when I heard the voice say "It's over, let's go". I opened my eyes taking in his full feature. He towered over me in height wearing a used-to-be-black-but-now-painted-white-and-gray-and-what-not pair of jeans. His t-shirt and jacket was also in the same state, so I could not make out his color choices. Overall he looked deadly in a fierce kind of way, but his piercing almost-black eyes giving away a kind of lets-make-peace look. He cleared his voice after holding my almost blank and confused look for a while and held out his right hand. It was given for me to hold and not for any introduction, but I stared at his dusty fingers deciding on my response.

"There is no time to waste; we need to move, now". His words sounded more of an order and as I took his hand in mine, somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I was walking into a bigger mess. As we walked towards the exit of the storehouse I looked around taking in the scene. There was a massive destruction around; walls broken, the debris falling around, piles of wooden boxes damaged, many of the boxes looked half burned with their contents almost charred. I found four men lying around with heavy injuries, I was not sure whether they were just unconscious or? I dared not to think. As if he had just read my thoughts he spoke "Don't worry, they will be taken care of". I turned my head towards his direction but could only see his back as he dragged me along. Outside the storehouse we walked further towards the sea and finally came to spot where a night blue BMW was parked. He shoved the side of his jacket to reach his pockets when I noticed his gun tugged in his belt. A chill ran through me fast and I was about to panic.

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