Chapter 7

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To find the fawn..'

Mist swirled around Kodiac's paws. He looks around, darkness greeted him. All of a sudden he heard a loud bird call and he was in a forest. He perks his ears faintly hearing a conversation. Kodiac walks forward slowly, the trees hide the two wolves who spoke.

"You- you have wings?!" A female spoke, fear clouded her voice.

"Wait F-" The sound of his voice sent chills down his spine. The female had interrupted him.

"You're not normal!"


"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I was scared..."

"I thought you were my friend." She snarls loudly.

Kodiac jerks awake as the female's voice echos, the snarl full of hurt. He hits his head on the rock with a yelp. Kodiac slowly backs out of his makeshift den and looks around. The wind had slowed down and he felt rested. Although he was hungry, he knew he must keep going, Spreading his wings, Kodiac takes off in no time at all.

The sun was just starting to rise, his mind was busy trying to decipher his rather odd dream. The moor still looked very far, it seemed like it would take him forever to get to. The mountain seemed never ending, his wings weren't tired, but he couldn't breath. The higher he got, the harder it was to breath.

Slowly Kodiac glides down to a path on the mountain. Panting, he lowers his head and starts to trot up the path. It was a smooth path, small rocks fell here and there that made Kodiac jump. As Kodiac continued on the path, he noted that it was getting more narrow as he went. Kodiac continues to pad along the path, be careful of rocks that began to fall.

The call of a bird brought him back to his dream. It scared him slightly, knowing he would lose a friendship over his wings. The name he tried to say started with a 'F'. Would Felicity find him and disregard their friendship because he hadn't told her sooner? That thought scared Kodiac more then his dream ever would. Felicity was safe at the pack, but to think she might have tried to follow him is making him uneasy.

Kodiac perks his ears at the sound of something behind him. He turns around half expecting Felicity, but instead finding a bird. An eagle to be exact. He calls out, Kodiac links that bird call to his dream and freezes. It takes off, Kodiac looks up at it. It circles his head and calls out again. Kodiac stretches his wings and takes off after the bird.

Following the eagle, it leads him far to a mountain that was smaller than the rest. It was still very large, just compared to the others, it looked small. Kodiak's wings were starting to get tired again, the sun was now at its highest point. Fear clawed his belly when he realized he couldn't see the moor anymore. Kodiac continues to follow the bird, his wing movements become more sloppy was he flies.

The bird leads him between two mountains, it was a small bare valley. Deciding he had enough flying, Kodiac glides down to the valley. He folds his wings up and lowers his head as his stomach growls. Kodiak shrugs that off and heads for the forest that lay past the mountains. He had finally made it out of the territory that the mountains had surrounded. With the moor nowhere to be seen, Kodiac stumbles into the forest.

With a pounding head, an open wound, and an aching body, Kodiac continues. Sniffing the air he smelt wolves, hope fills him as he thinks of the help he could get. He lifts his head and bounds a little faster despite his current state. This was a pack's territory, which means he had to be careful as he didn't know what kind of wolves lived here.

With that thought, two paws collide with his back. The weight of a body presses down on his shoulder, the wolf digs his claws into Kodiak's skim. Kodiac yelps loudly as his muzzle connects with the mud. "Fallen, get over here and help with this intruder." A male snarls loudly. He lowers his head and laughs slightly, it was a cold dark laugh. Should that even be considered laughter? "Stupid moor lover." The male mumbles, possibly taking about the Fallen wolf.

Though, the brute did say 'moor lover', which just had to mean that the moor was close! "Wait! Don't hurt me! I just was passing through." Kodiac whimpers slightly and wiggles underneath the paws of the strong brute.

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