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Whoa child birth is fun.

Just a warning: idk what the fuck I'm talking about. I haven't really studied that much about child birth but I do have two younger brothers and I was there when my mom had them so this is what I know and I'm going to get through this to the best of my ability. Please correct me if I've made any serious mistakes. I would like to be mostly accurate about this stuff.


Louis was going to stab Harry probably.

Not literally, no. He just liked imagining murdering Harry for doing this to him. It's all Harry fault, really. If he had wrapped it up like a good boy and tried a little less at seducing Louis, the pregnant man really wouldn't be in this predicament right now.

Honestly, Louis has quite enjoyed being pregnant, minus the few cramps here and there and the weird food that he had been consuming, but now, as his due date is quickly approaching, he really does hate it and really would like these babies out of him already. If his girls were out he wouldn't be laying on his side with a body pillow on their sofa, wincing whenever he felt a Braxton hicks show up. Really, Louis had no idea how he was supposed to survive labor if the contractions that aren't even contractions already hurt like a bitch.

"Fuck Harry," Louis whispers over to Adi, who was laying on the couch without a care in the world, when he feels another round of Braxton hicks come around. That were happening about every forty five minutes or so and Louis hasn't moved from his spot on the floor for about two hours, having no energy and he would probably be needing help getting up from his spot on the ground. He had positioned himself close to the sofa so he could have something to pull his eight months and three weeks pregnant butt up off the floor, but really he was going to need a crane to help get him up. And unfortunately, Harry was at work and he couldn't help either, so Louis really was stuck there unless he desperately wanted to pull himself up with the sofa, and quite frankly, he was just fine on the floor.

Th pain stopped shortly after they had started and Louis decided that he should probably call Harry and tell him about them now because that had been his fifth one, and it had definitely been the most painful one. The didn't all have that intense feeling and pain to them, the first one Louis hadn't even really noticed at all, just thought the babies were turning around and twisting some kind of way. The second one had been painful and Louis had figured it was because he had been cleaning and maybe that triggered it, so that's when he decided to grab his body pillow and lay on the floor for a bit, only the fall asleep at one point and then be woken up by another false contraction that wasn't as bad as the second but not as nice as the first. Steadily they had gotten worse and Louis really just wanted to rip the babies out himself just to make them stop.

As his phone rang to call Harry, another pang of pain hit him, way more intense and a lot more sooner than the other had been and Louis didn't really know if that was a good thing or not. He decided that it probably wasn't and was very glad when Harry answered the phone with a, "Hello, my sunshine."

"Listen H," Louis grunts. "I've got intense pains right now and I am starting to think that maybe they aren't Braxton hicks anymore and maybe they are becoming real contractions that are space really far apart. I'm not entirely sure how any of it works. I just know I've been laying in the floor for two hours and I'm in a lot of pain right now and I just had another bout of a contraction."

Louis hears nothing for a few seconds and then he hears Harry yelling a, "Goodbye Brenda! My love might be having my little loves!"

Hearing Harry shout that to his coworker really did put Louis in a better mood, but it also made him really nervous. He might have his little babies soon. Like, they will finally be in his arms for him and Harry to hold and love. To hold and love and care for. Oh shit.

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