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When Niall finally showed up at the restaurant Harry and Louis had already ordered their drinks. The couple were chatting quietly to each other about random things when Louis caught sight of Niall making his way to the table with a brunet man being dragged behind him. He didn't seem too pleased with Niall dragging him along but he wasn't saying anything about it. When they finally reached to table, Harry noticed them and his smile got really large and bright.

"Liam!" He chirps happily. He stood up from the table and walked over to his old friend and pulled him into a hug.

"Harry, mate, how's it going?" Liam smiles brightly. Harry pulls away and walks back to his seat, gesturing for Niall and Liam to sit down across from him and Louis.

"Fine," Harry answers. He looks over at Louis and grabs his hand. "This is my boyfriend, Louis, and my babies."

Louis snorts at his boyfriend, finding it really amusing that he introduced the twins when they weren't even born yet. But, he should have expected it since Harry was very cheeky and very proud of Louis carrying his babies. Since they told their parents Harry has been telling everyone about the twins.

"You're pregnant?" Liam asks curiously. Louis smiles and nods.

"13 weeks," he said.

"That's so cute!" Niall coos. Louis laughs at the blond and so does Liam and Harry. They all chuckle to themselves for a minute or so then finally when they calm down Niall started talking again.

"So, are you having twins?" He asked.

"Yeah," Louis nods. Niall suddenly turns to Liam with wide eyes and a big grin. Liam raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend and questions why he's looking at him like that.

"Are we going to tell them?" Niall asked excitingly.

"Tell us what?" Harry asked.

"Go ahead," Liam nods with a smile.

"We're moving back here!" Niall almost shouts. Harry's eyes widen at the news.

"Really?" He asked. He would love for his best mates to be back in the area so he could see them more often and hang out out with them more often. He also wanted them in the babies lives because they were great people and would be great uncle type figures to them. Liam was always so sweet and cuddly and would make the best uncle and Niall was fun and supportive so the two together would make the babies so happy. Plus, Harry knew that they both adored kids and always knew that Harry would be the first to have a kid and they wanted to always be around Harry's babies.

"Yeah," Liam nods. "We were talking about it awhile ago when we came back the last time to visit and we finally decided that that's what we wanted to do. So we found a house close by and we'll be moving sometime next week."

"Liam, mate, that's great!"

And the rest of the lunch is just a group of friends hanging out talking about things that have happened since the last time they've seen each other. Louis stayed quiet for most of the lunch, not really in the mood to talk. He also didn't know Liam or Niall so it was kind of awkward for him to sit and partake in conversations that had nothing to do with him. But the three friends would speak to him and try to add him to the conversations as often as they could. Especially Harry. He didn't want his baby to feel left out. He knew Louis hated not having at least some type of attention on him. So, every once in a while throughout the lunch, Harry would whisper sweet things into Louis' ear or rub his thigh or belly. It comforted Louis and made him feel welcome.

When the lunch was over, Liam and Niall told Harry and Louis that they had to go help out with setting up for Liam's sisters wedding and that they'd see them later on. Harry hugged them both goodbye and Louis was surprised when Niall pulled him into a hug. Louis did quite like the blond boy. He was loud and giggly and that made Louis happy. Liam just gave Louis a smile as he waved goodbye and Louis knew that Liam wasn't really a touchy-feely type of person and he was okay with that.

After saying goodbye to Harry's friends, Harry and Louis made their way home. Louis was quiet on the trip home and just listened to the radio play throughout the car. Harry's hand rested on Louis' thigh and he would squeeze or rub it every now and then until the finally pulled up to their moderately sized flat and Harry shut the car off and opened Louis' door for him.

"Come on love, let's go get warm." Harry coaxes Louis out of the car. Louis grins and gets out and they walk hand in hand to their flat, Louis shivering slightly at the cold weather and Harry pulling him closer to keep him and his babies warm.

Harry led the man up the stairs and quickly unlocked the flat door and ushered Louis inside. Louis toed off his shoes by the door and walked straight to the couch and plopped down with a sigh. Harry followed closely behind and sat right next to him with his hand rested between Louis' thighs comfortably.

"How long have you and the boys been friends again?" Louis asked. Harry's talked about them several time to him and he remembered that Harry loved them like brothers he's never had. It was always cute to Louis when Harry lit up and talked about the people he loves of things he loves doing. Harry turned into a ball of light every time.

"Since we were thirteen," Harry smiles.

"That's a long time."

Harry hums and leans closer to Louis so he could get a kiss from him. Louis laughs and kisses his boyfriend and runs his fingers through his hair before pulling away. Harry laid his head in Louis' lap and sighed in content when Louis started playing with his hair.

"I hope we have a baby girl," Louis says after a few minutes of him just playing with Harry's hair.

"Why's that?"

"I don't know," Louis shrugs. "Baby girls remind me of my sisters and I loved growing up with them and helping them comb their hair or pick out cute clothes for school. But if we have a boy I could do the same thing if he wants me to. Or we can play footie in the yard too. Same with a girl."

"Maybe they will be a boy and a girl, since there are two of them in there." Harry turns his head so his face was pressed into Louis' growing stomach and Louis laughed at his silly boyfriend and continued playing with his hair.

"Maybe," Louis hums to himself, letting his fingers work a braid into Harry's long, soft hair. He adored his boyfriends hair. It was easily one of his most favourite things about him--aside from his personality and all around greatness. And sometimes Louis wonders how he got lucky enough to get such a wonderful man like Harry to fall in love with him.


"Louis?" Harry asked him a couple hours later as they lay in bed, holding each other in the darkness of their bedroom.


"I love you so much." Harry sighs into Louis' hair.

"I love you too,"


2016. Here we go.


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