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"Louis, I swear the girls will be fine with me. I've watched Earnie and Doris hundreds of times while mum went out with Dan. They're just fine, aren't they?"

"Well, Doris does quite like to dress as a duck and waddle around quacking so," Louis shrugs, knowing that Lottie would do just fine watching his three month old babies for a while while he and Harry went out to hang out with Niall and Liam for the night. The look Lottie gave him almost scared him so he just sighed and looked over at the twins, who were laying in the middle of the floor on their play mat, laughing about God knows what and being the cutest thing Louis has ever seen in his life. This would be his and Harry's first time leaving the babies for a night to just hang out without them and he really didn't think he was ready to be away from them yet.

"Lou, I've get this okay?" Lottie reassured when Louis didn't move to leave yet.

Lousy sighed, "Just, I don't know, just don't put makeup or whatever you do on them yet. Please?"

"Come on Louis!" Lottie laughs and lightly punched his shoulder. "You know we're going to be fine. I'll feed them in a few hours like you said, make sure they're diapers are changed when needed, play with them for a bit and then it's bedtime. Maybe I'll try out my new mascara on Olivia."

Louis shoots her a glare causing her to raise her hands as a surrender and say, "I'm kidding, salt, I'm just kidding. I promise to wait until their older to get at their faces with makeup."

"And if they don't want it you won't force it either," Louis says with arms crossed. Lottie rolled her eyes and nodded then starts shooing him out.

"Now go, Harry's waiting for you at Niall's already. I'll call if I absolutely need you or something." She tells him. Louis huffed and with one last look at his babies, he thanked Lottie for watching them and then took off to go meet Harry at Niall's and Liam's.


"Stop worrying baby," Harry whispered for the thirtieth time–at least–since they've been at Niall and Liam's. "Lottie and the girls are just fine."

"I know," Louis sighed. "I just miss them. What if they forget me or something?"

"There's no way Olivia and Scarlett would forget you. You've bonded so much with them from the time you found out you were pregnant to this point now. It'll take a lot for them to forget you." Harry reassures. Louis sighs and but relaxes a bit and then he starts enjoying his time with his friends.

Niall was five months pregnant now and his bump was a lot smaller than Louis' was at that stage, bringing joy to Niall because he saw how Louis struggled with his big belly. Him and Liam decided together that they wanted to wait until the baby shower to find out the genders of the baby. They were both so happy, which made Louis happy because his friends deserve all of the happiness in the world.

"You had Dr. Malik didn't you Louis?" Niall asked when they were sitting around the kitchen table eating pizza. Louis redirected his attention from Harry's and Liam's conversation about Harry leaving on a train or something to Niall, who was picking at the pepperonis on his pizza and looking at Louis.

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