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❝ hey, velma. lost your glasses again? ❞

❝ go fuck yourself, highlighter head. ❞

many things can happen while waiting for the 6:54 monorail.

dedicated to myself! love you always.

© beifongg 2020, all rights reserved.


every character, place, and event in this story is a pure manifestation of my daydreams and a work of fiction. any similarities that may exist between my work and any other media is not intentional. the real min yoongi and park jimin are in no way affiliated with my writing, aside from the use of their names as stand-ins for those of their characters. "daybreak" contains instances of mild language and violence.


side note:

in this story, it is key!! that you pay attention to dates. times too, but they're sorta secondary. the reason why is bc i'm not going to say "two months later" or "five days passed". if you're not paying attention you are likely to end up confused because it is guaranteed for this story to have "plot jumps" if you don't.

thanks so many for reading!

original: 160124 - 160601.

rewrite: 200124 -  .

to anyone reading this in 2021+, thank you.

rather than recreating myself from scratch, i've decided to work with what i've got. this means that i still think daybreak is one of my favorite pieces i've written to date, but it needs fresh paint, new flooring, and lots of love.

i would love to avoid the confusion, but there's no way to without deleting all my reads, votes, and progress. so i'll just settle for this revamp, and the note that any comments before september 13, 2020 were made on old writing.

some things have changed here, others haven't. the plot will remain otherwise the same but the fine threads that hold everything together might not. went with a slightly different ending. older readers are in for a refreshing treat! newer readers will finally get to experience what it's like to age with the story (if you don't know, i publish on the day of. so january 24th, the first chapter, will be published on january 24th, 2020. so no more finishing this shit in three hours!)

and since the story is getting an update, the book will now take place according to newer bts stats.

and yoongi's hair is blue :)

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