chapter one

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I look away from the mysterious man and go back to dancing with my two drunk friends, Ella and Chloe. I was assigned the designated driver for the night, unfortunately, so I have to stay sober. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I quickly turn around surprised when I see the man that having a staring contest with me.

"Hello, would you care to dance?" He leans down to say into my ear since the music is rather loud, he moves back and I look up at him surprised. I point to myself for reassurance, I don't even know how to dance to this type of music with someone else. He nods then holds out his hand, I look down at it unsure. Oh what the hell, I quickly place my hand in his before I can wimp out.

"My name is Harry, Harry Styles." He says into my ear again then kisses my hand. Dear lord.

"My name is Molly." I reply then I am pulled away from my friends and into the crowd. I don't want to tell him my last name because you know, he could be a crazed stalker murder or something.

"I don't really know how to do this." I confess shyly.

"I'll teach you." He says giving me a smile. I nod and soon his hands are on my waist pulling me closer so my butt is on his crotch.

"Now you just move your hips against me." He instructs, is this all it is? I listen for the beat of the music before swaying my hips making sure to press against him.

"Yeah just like that." He praises in my ear while gripping my hips. A few songs later i'm abruptly pulled to a dark corner where I'm trapped against the wall by Harry.

"What are you doing?" I ask shying away from him back into the wall.

"Have you any idea who I am?" He asks his breath hot against my neck.

"No, should I?" I answer confused.

"Good, you don't need to find out just yet." He says with a smirk that confuses me even more. "Give me your phone." He orders holding out his hand expectantly.

"But why?" I ask staring into his dark eyes while awkwardly and stupidly reaching down my dress to get my phone from my bra. He turns it on and quickly unlocks it, damn I should really put in a passcode. He types in something then puts my phone back in my hand.

"Because I'm someone a good girl like you shouldn't be around." He smirks then kisses the corner of my mouth before leaving me pressed against the wall still feeling his soft lips on my skin. Who the hell is he and why do I want to find out?

Every girl wants a bad boy that will be good just for her.


I lug Ella back to her own apartment, where her boyfriend Niall collects her with open arms.

"Thank's for keeping her safe Molly." He smiles saluting me before closing the door. I return to my car where Chloe is slumped down in the back seat.

"Hey get up." I lightly tap Chloe's face, I am not going to drag her unconscious ass all the way up to our apartment.

"What the hell!" Her voice is slurred as she slaps my hand away drunkenly.

"Come on get out of the car." I say in a voice that would be used when talking to a child.

"Need help doll face?" I gasp and spin around on my heels quickly as I recognize Harry's voice ask from behind me. I scowl at his pet name not liking how his voice seems to drop an octave when he said it.

"What-what are you doing here, did you follow me." I accuse quickly my eyes moving wildly around my surroundings feeling nervous with him standing there just watching me silently panic.

"Calm down, I was just visiting an old friend now do you want my help or not." He chuckles tilting his head to the side. I have never seen him around here, actually i've never seen him anywhere before tonight and who is this "friend" he was supposedly visiting?

"No actually I'm fine on my own, you can leave." I dismiss him quickly, having him here in such an empty and poor lit place has me anxious to no end.

"Suit yourself." He shrugs giving me a mischievous grin and I turn away from him seeing as Chloe is finally coherent enough to stand on her own. "See you around doll face." He says before I hear footsteps fading down the sidewalk.

"Hey who was that guy? He was cute." She slurs giggling as I help her out of the car then sigh as she pushes away my arm to stumble towards our apartment. I'm so not agreeing to do this anymore. I unlock the door push Chloe lightly inside, close it and lock it, help her back to her room then finally collapse on my bed. My phone vibrates against my chest and I groan before pulling it out of my dress and lazily unlock it reading the text message.

Hope you got your friend inside, goodnight doll face x

Oh Harry must've put his number in my phone. Do I respond? I mean it would be rude if I just read it then not respond, plus since it's an iPhone he will know I saw it. I don't want him to be angry with me.

I did, thank you and goodnight to you too.

I decide to keep my response simple and polite, no need to go all out with someone I just met. He doesn't respond so I plug my phone in and get into my pajamas. I get into bed and instantly fall asleep, the days events tiring my mind and body.


The sound of a phone ringing draws me out of my sleep, I groan and sit up sleepily grabbing my phone, I don't even bother to look at the caller before answering.

"Hello?" I say my voice scratchy, as I rub my eyes letting them adjust to the light

"Did I wake you?" I pull the phone away from my ear seeing Harry's number on the screen, why the heck is he calling me at eight in the morning on a damn Saturday? "You still there?" I hear him ask faintly then put my phone back against my ear.

"Yeah I'm here and you also did wake me up." I grumble falling back against my pillow. "So what do you want?"

"I want to take you out tonight." He says and just by his tone I know there is no way that I will be able to refuse. "Molly I don't like it when you don't answer me." He sounds angry, why is he angry?

"Uh I'm sorry?" I reply sounding more like a question than an apology.

"It's alright doll face. So about tonight, be ready by eight okay." He says then before I could respond the call ends.

He just hung up on me.

a/n hello guys I know that I said I wouldn't post this until The Temptress is done BUUTT #yolo and this is for a new friend I made on Instagram okay byees

Whatever chains are holding you back, don't let them tie you down.

XOXO Mariah

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