chapter three

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"This is where we will be dining doll face, I hope you like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because that's the only thing I can make." He says leading me over to the blanket that has a lantern and a small cooler sitting in the middle. This is so...cute and sweet, is this real?

"Yes I love peanut butter and jelly." I nod making him smile proudly, I won't tell him that I'm not to fond of jelly though.

"That's a relief." He says pulling me down to sit on the soft blanket. The clearing is faced so we have a full view of the city, it's so beautiful seeing everything lit up like that.

"Why did you take me here?" I ask watching him get out a container with two sandwiches in it then another one with grapes in it. I love grapes, they are my second favorite fruit.

"A good girl like you deserves more than just a shitty diner." He shrugs biting into his sandwich.

"I thought the diner was cute, you really didn't need to do this." I say picking up a grape. Maybe Harry isn't as bad as I thought.

" So when am I going to find out more about you." I shift sitting indian styles on the blanket.

"On our second date." He says, what?

"But I know nothing about you." I whine.

"Okay fine, I'll tell you somethings." He sigh giving in. "But." There's always a catch.

"Ugh what is it?" I groan pouting.

"You have to kiss me." He grins as I gasp then glare at him.

"No kisses on the first date." I shake my head.

"Well this could technically be considered as our second date since I brought you to a different place." He smirks cleverly, I open my mouth to argue but nothing comes out. He is partly right.

"So you should just kiss me now." His eyes hold a playful glint while he points to his lips. I roll my eyes and lean forward to peck his cheek to be smart since technically that is categorized as a kiss but he grips my cheeks and smashes our lips together full on.

"You can't trick me that easily doll." He smirks letting go of my face as I look at him wide eyed.

"That wasn't fair." I pout crossing my arms.

"You leaned in first." He shrugs a smug grin on his face. "I do love your cherry chapstick though." He licks his lips, cherries are so gross.

"I don't I only wear it to stop myself from biting my lip." I use the back of my hand to wipe across my mouth.

"My favorite color is orange." He says suddenly. "I was studying literature in college but I dropped out." He then confesses sheepishly.

"My favorite is pink." I say, I decide not to ask about why he dropped out because I feel like he wouldn't tell me anyway. He looks at me thoughtfully before I flinch from a sudden wetness on my nose then on my shoulder.

"It's raining." I shriek jumping up from the blanket, how cliche.

"It's only water." Harry chuckles gathering everything in the duffel bag as the rain picks up. We are in the middle of a forest in the pouring rain. He lifts the bag over his shoulder and grabs my hand guiding me out of the clearing.

By the time we get back to his car we are both drenched and I am shivering from the combination of both wind and the cold rain.

"You're coming back to my place to dry off, no arguments." He states opening the passenger door for me. I'm getting the seat soaked.

"Okay." I nod my teeth chattering, I don't like being in a car more than I have to when it rains like this anyway.

"How far away is your house from here?" I ask as he turns on the car turning the heat up on full power.

"Only about twenty minutes." He turns on his wipers before driving back onto the road. I grip the strap of my purse tightly, I really hate driving in the rain.

"Calm down doll." Harry says putting his hand on my thigh briefly. This is the strangest date I've ever been on.

a/n hey guys hoped you liked it, I swear this story will get more exciting but until then vote/comment/rave and yeah okay byees

The night is on your lips and I feel like I'm locked in.

XOXO Mariah
(not edited)

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