chapter two

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"But what if he'a a murderer!" I whine to Chloe, she thinks it's just a grand idea that I go with Harry tonight.

"C'mon you haven't been on a date since our sophomore year of high school, high school Molly." She says dramatically while pushing me into my room.

"I don't even know him." I retort crossing my arms.

"I'm not leaving until you are dressed and date ready, you need to get out more." She huffs putting her hands on her hips.

"Ugh fine." I give in then go to my closet to get out a suitable outfit, meaning a nice shirt and skinny jeans.

"You are not wearing that." Chloe says looking appalled.

"It's either this or I'm not going." I fire back stubbornly.

"Whatever, it's almost eight so be ready." She rolls her eyes. "You gave him our address right?"

"Yes Chloe I gave our address to a potential murderer." I say sarcastically while making sure both my hair and makeup are good before unplugging my phone.

"He's here." Chloe squeals and runs out of my room when we hear a knock on the door.

"Great." I roll my eyes then put my purse across my shoulders before I walk down the hall to the front door. My eyes widen when I see him listening to Chloe as she talks his ears off, he looks really hot actually. His eyes flicker to mine and a smirk appears on his face.

"Molly you look lovely." He says stopping Chloe.

"Okay you two have fun, don't forget to use protection." She laughs forcing us out the door.

"Sorry about her, she is a bit crazy. I think she was dropped on her head when she was a baby." I say looking up at him awkwardly.

"It's alright, she actually told me some things about you." He chuckles grabbing my hand intertwing my fingers with his.

"Oh god what did she tell you?" I groan embarrassed.

"Nothing of importance doll face." He smiles helping me into his car.


"What would you like to eat?" Harry asks putting down his menu to look at me from across the table. He brought me to this cute little diner, I never thought he would bring me to such a rustic place. I honestly expected him to bring me to a dive bar or something. This is really nice though.

"I'll have whatever you are getting, I'm not really picky." I shrug. "Here do you want my cherry? I don't like them very much." I ask him picking the gross red fruit off the top of my vanilla milkshake that our waiter, Brandon, just brought me.

"Sure." He says reaching across the table to take the fruit from my hand. "I love cherries." He smirks then pops it in his mouth.
"I like bananas more." I say taking a sip of my delicious milkshake.

"Really, because I have a banana you can have." He smirks and I gasp realizing his innuendo.

"Oh my god no." I cover my face with my hands.

"Maybe you come back to my apartment later and I can show it to you." He winks and raises his eyebrows.

"Uh no." I laugh shaking my head.

"At least I tried." He grins. "So tell me about yourself."

"I'm twenty years old, I'm studying to be a journalist, that's pretty much it for me. I'm quite boring actually." I shrug taking another sip of my milkshake. "What about you?"

"I'm twenty two and you will figure out the rest later." He says then just stares at me like I am a test subject under examination.

"What?" I ask shying away from his intense gaze. He takes his wallet out and puts a twenty on the table.

"Come on." He stands up abruptly and grabs my arm to pull me out of the diner. But my milkshake.

"Where are we going?" I ask tugging back my arm.

"It's a surprise babe." He says opening the passenger door for me. He's going to kill me.

"I don't like surprises." I shake my head not allowing him to put me in his car.

"Fine, i'll take you home then." He sighs gesturing to the car.

"Okay." I look at him skeptically before getting into the car.

We've been driving far too long to just be going back to my apartment and I start getting fidgety.

"Where are we going? This isn't the way back." I ask gripping the strap of my purse tightly.

"It's a surprise, I told you. We're here anyways." He shrugs while pulling into a vacant parking lot. "Stay in the car, I'll be back in five minutes." He says opening the door and leaving the car. I unbuckle and twist around the seat watching him get out a huge black duffel bag.

"I'll be right back just stay in here okay doll face." He says sternly then rushes away. Why am I doing this? I start biting my lip, it's a terrible habit I only do when I'm nervous. I dig through my purse to find my chapstick, I always get the kind that tastes gross so it prevents me from gnawing on my lip.

"Ready?" I jump and almost scream when the door is swung open and Harry appears grinning.

"You scared me to death." I gasp staring at him wide eyed.

"Sorry doll face, come with me." He holds his hand out and I hesitantly place mine on his getting a weird feeling in my stomach.

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you." He closes the car door and leads me down a dark path lit only by the moon. How the hell can he see in the dark? About five minutes later we stop at a clearing, I gasp and look around surprised at the scene laid out in front of me.

"What is this?"

a/n hello sorry for whatever the hell happened on the earlier update *shrugs* I want to do a shout to ShanyahFoster because she will most likely abuse me for the cliff hanger so yeah heheheh okay byees

Just me, her, and the moon.

XOXO Mariah

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