Beginning of Eternity

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Ahkmenrah's POV

After my previous discussion with Scarlett I had thought about it and decided that the best idea was to talk to the person who usually has all the answers. Who has been a ruler of Egypt and lived longer than I have.

My mom.

I walked into the Egypt section of the museum and knocked quietly on the wall. Both my parents looked up and smiled at me.

"May I speak to you mother?"

She looked at my father and smiled, kissing his cheek before standing with the elegance only a queen could achieve is something so mundane.

"Of course you may, my son."

We walked from the room and down the hallway were none of the other exhibits currently were, and sat on a bench.

"What troubles you Ahkmenrah?"

I took a deep breath and looked at me hands on my lap to nervous at the moment to look her in the eye.

"I'm in love with someone who slowly ceases to exist as I have to live on forever."

There was a silence.

Okay maybe that was a tiny bit morbid....

"Do you mean Lady Scarlet?"

I whispered a quite, "Yes."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to meet my mothers eyes.

"What exactly do you mean my son?"

I took another deep breath.

"I have never felt anything so strongly before. Not like the sadness of losing you and father for so long, the fear of being stuck in my tomb, or the anger at Kahmunrah. When I'm with her I'm happy, I don't cease to see the beauty in anything."

"I love the way she sees so much in so little. I love the way she can enter a room and make anyone in it feel great about themselves. I just, I love her very existence. I love her."

I was suddenly pulled into a bone crushing hug by my mother. When we pulled back she seemed to have tears in her eyes.

"I knew you were born to do and feel great things Ahkmenrah. There was no real question as to why we gave you the crown to Egypt. Even after everything that has happens in our lives and the lives of our ancestors your father and I will never regret that decision and I know I won't regret this one."


She smiled and patted my arm and in a soft voice said, "Follow me."


Scarlett's POV

I arrived at the museum again. How many nights have I came here since Larry adopted me? I've lost track.

As usual I walked around making small talk with everyone and smiling and waving at those who didn't start a real conversation.

I noticed some of the exhibits giving me weird glances. Then Ahk came jogging toward me almost out of no where and grabbing my hand.

"Follow me my queen."

He smiled so brilliantly at me I only managed to nod my head before he started tugging me down a hallway.

Completely missing his parents standing on the stairs above. Holding each other closely and giving us a knowing and loving look.

We came to a secluded part of the museum and Ahk stopped, spinning me in front of him and taking both of my hands in his.

"Do you remember what we talked about yesterday Scar?"

My eyes widened and I started to panic.

"Ahk I didn't mean t...."

"I found a solution!"

I stared at him.

"Y-you, what?"

He brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear and leaned to place a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I found a solution to how you can stay with me forever if that's what you wish."

"C-can you explain that a little please?"

He reached into a pocket and pulled out a necklace that was a scarab pendent that seemed to shine in the colors of the rainbow each showing differently depending on the way the light hit it.

"I talked to my mother about our discussion earlier and she gave me this for you. Along with the tablet they had this amulet created. Assuming I would find a partner in my reign over our people."

He seemed to take a deep breath before continuing.

"Whoever puts it on is the only person who can take it off. The one who where's it is granted immortality. Scarlett I know I'm asking a lot but I truly do love you. I under stand if you don-.."

"Would you like to put it on me?"

He seemed to freeze for a minute and I wiped away the happy tears that where falling down my cheeks.


I laught softly at him.

"I asked if you would like to put the necklace on me Ahkmenrah. My king, my friend, my love of eternity."

He smiled and came out of his shock.

"I would be honored."

I turned around and held up my hair as he gently clasped the necklace around my neck.

Then we embraced each other in what was the beginning of our eternity.


Oh my gosh that was insane. Never done anything like that before. So what does everyone think?! Scar and Ahk got a happy ending after all I suppose.

I know I haven't updated I forever I'm sorry! This comes from a lot of comments for more and it being my Christmas break from school currently.

I hoped everyone enjoyed it!

Until next time, stay scary!


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