The Tablet Issue

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(A/N- If you haven't saw the third movie there maybe spoilers. If you have saw the movie I may change things up so enjoy)

Scarlet's POV
After sitting on that bench for who knows how long I made my way back home. A part of me regretted not seeing Ahk but I needed to clear my thoughts for a awhile.

This morning was a new day that I was ready to face. Plus it was a huge ceremony for the new space exhibit in the museum. Apparently everyone had been practicing for tonight.

Larry even invited me to come so that's how I ended up currently straightening my hair and putting on a black dress that was short in the front yet long in the back.

I also had on my normal earrings, a studded choker and some studded bracelets. I had on knee high black boots to. Sighing I made my way down to meet Larry at the door.

We said by to Nick, he said he had homework but I knew he was going to throw a party. Hell I have him the idea! I winked at him and went to the car.

Once we got to the museum everyone was already getting ready and Larry was running around trying to put everything together. I was talking to Teddy when I heard a rawr and Larry yelling, "Scarlet control the lions!"

Laughing I went to the middle of the room and whistled as loud as I could. Next thing you know I'm surrounded by lions and Larry's running down the stairs after Simba who happens to have one of his shoes in his mouth.

"Give me my show you over grown house cat!" I laughed again as Simba looked at Larry like he was stupid. I crouched down without showing anything while wearing this dress. "Can I have the shoe please Simba?"

The huge lion walked toward me and dropped the shoe in my hands as everyone in the room laughed. "Thank you" I rubbed his head and tossed Larry his shoe. "I'll put them in their exhibit while you go finish whatever you where doing." I turned to the group of lions and motioned for them to follow.

A few minutes later the lions where locked up and I was standing behind the curtains watching the show. The constellations where currently flying around the room.

"Their amazing aren't they?" I jumped at the voice and spun around only to come face to face with Ahkmenrah. I was probably blushing now, cursing myself I smiled at him and turned to glance at the show again. "It's breath taking."

I turned to face him again, it looked like he was going to say something when all of the sudden his face went pale and his eyes lost focus. Next thing I know his legs buckle and I barley manage to catch him before he hits the hard marble floor.

"Ahk?" He couldn't seem to focus but he managed to grab my hand. There was suddenly a huge commotion. I looked to see Teddy aiming his gun at Larry, Attila hacking a ice sculpture and the constellations attacking people.

A sudden pain shot through my hand and I looked down to see Ahmenrah gripping my hand as if his life depended on it. By the way his body seemed to be shaking it seemed like he was in a huge amount of pain.

I had to trust Larry could handle things out side. I cupped Ahk's hand in both of my and started whispering comforting words while drawing random patterns with my finger tips on his hand. I saw some of the animals still running crazy. I was suddenly glad I locked my lions up.

A few minutes passed and the commotion seemed to calm down. I looked at Ahkmenrah and sighed in relief. He wasn't that pale anymore and he seemed to be able to see clearly. Although his grip lessens his hand remains intertwined with mine.

He slowly sat up and looked at me as if he was going to cry. "This is my fault, my tablet has done this. I could have hurt you or Larry or got many innocent people killed." He looked away from me clearly upset.

Sighing I did the first thing that came to mind, I hugged him. He stiffened at my touch but slowly wrapped his arms around me and relaxed. "Listen to me Pharaoh, this was not your fault. It never was and it never will be. Larry would do anything for you guys and so would I."

I would love to stay in his arms forever but I knew whatever had just happened needed to be confronted. I unhooked myself from Ahk and we stood up. He looked horrified as soon as he saw the damage in the show room.

I seemed to surprise him when I grabbed his hand again. "Come on your highness, this isn't anyone's fault." He smiled at me but it seemed forced. Sighing I led the way to Larry.

I found him standing among pretty much the whole museum giving a lecture. "Come on guys what the heck happened back there?"

"We weren't ourselves Lawrence" I looked at Teddy he was clearly upset. Before Larry could start ranting again I spoke up, "I'll have everyone clean up since I was planning on hanging out. By the way I hate to rat out my brother but he may be having a party right now..."

I trailed off once I saw the look of Larry's face. "He's what?!" I watched as he stormed out of the museum. As soon as he was gone I bursted out laughing. I was laughing so hard I thought I might pee myself.

Once I calmed down everyone was starring at me like I was insane. "Oh come on! Did you see the look on his face? It was priceless!" I laughed again but quickly calmed down.

"Fine be that way people. Lets hurry up and clean this place up so we can have fun." Everyone was still starring at me when one of the cavemen spoke up.

"You no yell?" I looked at him like he was crazy. "Are you guys serious? None of this was anyone's fault. It was a accident. Now cheer up! Trust me things could be way worse."


It took way longer than I thought to clean up. We had about a half hour before sunrise. I told everyone to just do whatever while I went to talk with Ahkmenrah.

He led me to his "room" and showed me the tablet. I gasped at what I saw. The once perfectly gold tablet was slowly being covered in a green rust looking substance.

"It started doing this yesterday. Whenever it starts to get covered more I loose my strength and the museum turns to chaos. I don't know how long we have." I tried to grasp what he just said.

"How long until what exactly?"

"How long until the tablet covers completely and we no longer come to life." His voice turned to a whisper. I didn't know how to respond. I can't lose these people. They where my only family.

Ahk walked toward me and embraced me in a hug. I quickly warped my arms around him. At that moment I made a promise to myself and everyone here.

We will fix this.

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