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After yesterday's interesting events I was excited to go back to the museum. I put on a baggy purple shirt that said "Creep it Real", short black shorts over black tights, some purple nikes, and put my black hair in pigtails with black studded bows.

I also had on some studded bracelets and my usual earrings. After grabbing my phone I jogged downstairs to Larry's car.

Once I was in the passenger seat Larry looked at me. "Promise you will try to behave tonight." I grinned while crossing my fingers behind my back. "I promise." Sighing he started driving.

Once we got their I said hi to Teddy and Sacajawea and went up to see Simba. I played with the lions for a while when I decided to meet some more people.

I stood up and looked at my kitty. "Come on Simba let's see who else we can bother." I started walking down another hallway with a lion by my side.

I rounded another corner and came into the model room of civilizations. I walked towards the Western and Roman looking ones.

The Romans started running when they saw Simba and there was some cowboy guy shouting at me. I bent down to see what he was saying. "Hey giagantriss what's with the lion?" I smiled, "This is my friend Simba." Then a man dressed in Roman armor came to stand next to the cowboy.

"I am Octavius my lady and this fellow is Jedediah. How did you tame that beast?" I looked at Simba who was still by my side looking bored. "He's just like a overgrown kitten. My names Scarlet but people call me Scar. It was nice meeting you guys."

I said goodbye and kept walking with my lion. A few turns later and I was standing at a entrance that was guarded by 20ft tall Anubis. I'm guessing I found where Ahkmenrah hangs out.

I went to enter but the huge statues came to life waving spears at me. I jumped back as Simba roared. "Holy shiz!" Just as I was probably about to die I heard a familiar voice yelling and they immediately went back to standing as they where a few seconds ago.

I looked to see Ahk looking at me apologetically. "Sorry about them." I shrugged, "It's what Anubis where made for."

"You know there names not many people do." I grinned at him and walked to sit on the steps near his tomb looking thing,

he sat down beside me but Simba was still standing out towards the door eyeing the statues. "I major in my history classes. Simba come here scaredy cat." I waved my hand at the lion and he growled but came to lay beside me.

Ahkmenrah looked between me and the lion. "He doesn't usually trust people. That is probably why Larry told you to stay away from him. In fact most of the animals don't like Larry." I laughed and stood up.

(A/N- I'm calling him Ahk (Ank) for short)

I helped Ahk stand and I smiled at him. "Follow me to see awesomeness Pharaoh" I started to lead him towards the animals and somehow my hand stayed grasped in his.

Once we got the the animal room Simba ran off to his pride and I released Ahk's hand. I thought I saw disappointment in his eyes but he quickly covered it up by smiling.

"Alright sooooooo watch this" I turned and started walking towards a tree. Once I got to my branch I noticed Lina, a yellow python coming toward me. Smiling I picked her up and let her wrap around my shoulders.

I carefully hopped to another tree and looked at Ahk who was looking around trying to find me. I covered my mouth and tried not to laugh. Focus Scar, focus.

I did a bird call and watched as all the animals looked at my tree. All of the birds flew close to me and landed In the tree, the wooly mammoth, buffalo and various other animals all formed a line as if I was royalty.

I jumped down from the branch landing on my feet and looked towards Ahk. "See their not that bad" He smiled again, "They do seem to have a liking toward you." He looked nervous, then a thought clicked.

"Have you never came in here before?" I swear he blushed again. "No I have have not, the lions are usually territorial. Not many people get in here when we come to life."

I did another bird call and all the animals went back to what they where doing. I walked towards Ahk and he stepped back when he saw my python.

I smiled and gently took his hand laying it on her head. "Lina's not that bad." Placed her back in a tree and grabbed his hand again. "You can't let them know you fear them, they can sense it. Plus we pose more of a threat to them than them to us."

I started walking towards the lions but I felt his hand tense up. Maybe we should start small. I showed him most of the other animals.

Then I walked towards the lions again. He tensed again. I turned around and looked Ahk in the eyes. "If I can handle your guards you can handle the lions. Watch it's easy." I lest go of his hand and walked into the pride of lions.

Once I was right next to them all one of the lionesses tackled me and I started laughing. I looked up to see Ahk smiling and slowly coming towards me. I rolled out from underneath the lion and watched as he slowly sat beside me.

I grinned as one of the lioness's started rubbing it's head against his shoulder. Simba came next to me and I started to stroke his fur as I talked to Ahk. "See their just like house cats."

"Indeed they are, I have a feeling Larry is looking for us though. It's probably almost sunrise." I nodded and said goodbye to the animals as I followed Ahkmenrah out the door. Sure enough it was almost dawn. Stupid gravity I liked hanging out with him!

Sighing I said goodbye to Ahkmenrah and made my way to meet Larry.

•next day•

I was sitting in the kitchen playing a random game on my phone Larry had given me when he came in sitting beside me.

"Soooo you and Ahkmenrah?" I started chocking on air. "W-What do you mean?" He looked at me amused. "It's not hard to tell he likes you and you clearly like him." Sighing I looked at the floor. "Maybe I do like him but it wouldn't work out anyway..."

Before he could respond I grabbed my head phones and my phone. "I'm going for a walk." With that I started walking down the street blaring "Best Love Song by T-Pain".

I just started walking around trying to sort everything out. I can't possibly have feelings for Ahkmenrah can I? I mean he's a 3000 year old King of Egypt that just happens to look like a 16 year old and come to life in a museum every night.

Gods I'm insane! I had been to busy thinking to notice the sun had already went down, the museum would be coming to life in a few minutes. Letting a breath of air out I spoke to myself, "I honestly don't have the energy to go their tonight."

It's not like I didn't like everyone their it's just, just, ugh! Maybe I didn't want to face Ahk now that I sorta liked him more than friends. Grunting I sat down on a bench and started listening to a rock song.

Ahkmenrah's POV (switching it up)

As every other night, my tablet glowed and I made my way out of my tomb. I usually stayed by myself but since Scarlet had arrived I found myself enjoying her company.

I walked to the lobby only to find Larry by himself at his desk. "Hello Larry" He looked up after I spoke. "Hey Ahk. Scar went for a walk I'm not sure she'll be here tonight."

I found myself slightly upset at hearing she wouldn't be at the museum. I have to admit that I really did like her. She fit in perfectly with everyone here, the animals loved her, and she was beautiful.

I quickly tried to hide the sadness on my face but Larry saw and grinned at me. "You like her don't you?" I slightly smiled, "Yes I believe I do."

Thinking it was one thing but admitting it was completely different. "I don't think it is a good time to tell her yet though." Larry nodded and put a hand on my shoulder. "The time will come Ahk." Then their was a crash and Larry ran off to yell at Dexter.

Smiling to myself I started walking back towards my "room". I seriously didn't know how I was going to tell Scarlet or even get the courage to.

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