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Scarlets POV
After leaving the museum last night I kept thinking and researching until I couldn't keep my eyes open.

I woke up still in my dress with my face laying on a keyboard. "Owww" I wined as I rubbed my face. I glared at my computer. I had starred at that thing for four hours straight and it gave me nothing!

Cursing I got a shower and put on jeans and a sweat shirt. Today I was getting answers. Or at least I was going to try.

I noticed my brothers door was closed, I'm guessing he was grounded. I made my way to the kitchen to find Larry drinking coffee. "Any luck finding out about the tablet?" He shook his head.

"I'm going to the archive in the museum to do some research. You can keep look here." I nodded and started to eat some cereal. A few minutes later I was left thinking by myself.

After doing intense research I came up with two solid ideas.

Idea one, that Ahkmenrah's dad, Merenkahre could some how fix this.

Idea two, we where going to the British museum.

My thoughts where confirmed when Larry came back. "Alright, turns out Ahk's parents created the tablet and should know how to fix it. But where going to have to go the England." He looked at me as if I should be freaking out.

"Shouldn't you be surprised?" I gave him a stupid look. "I figured that stuff out a hour ago!" I saw Nick laughing at us. "Whatever I'm going to the museum. You two start packing I don't know when where leaving but I hope it's soon."

couple hours later•

Me and Nick were sitting at the table talking about stuff. "Dad really wants me to go to college but I honestly just don't think it's the right time. I mean I just want a year to figure stuff out. I want to figure myself out."

I understood how he felt, all those years in the orphanage made me lost. "Don't tell this to me bro tell this to dad. You convinced me now you have to convince him. I think it's a great idea I mean I feel lost sometimes to."

He was just starring at me. "What?!" He looked at me with huge eyes. "You called him dad instead of Larry." I looked at the table. "Well he is my d-dad now to. If that's okay?" In a answer he hugged me.

"Of course it's okay sis!" I laughed and hugged him back. Just as we broke apart Larry came inside. "Hey kids good news we leave tomorrow! I have it all planned out. We drive one of the museums vans up with Ahkmenrah in the back, they put him in storage and we find a way back in. When the tablet comes to life he will let us in."

I was stunned. This might actually work! "That's actually a great plan dad." "Watch it Nick." I laughed as they joked around.

Inside I was a mess of nerves. I just hoped this all worked out in the end and I had a chance to tell Ahk how I felt before I lost him for good.

I know that was super short! I'm sorry next one will be better I promise!

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