Breaking Into The Museum

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•Night time- British Museum•

Scarlets POV
Once we got to the museum we had to pass through security. Me and Nick where hiding on the floor while Larry talked to a British women who kept going on and on about her crappy job here.

It took everything we had not to bust out laughing. Eventually she let us through and we loaded the crates into the building. She watched us leave and went back to her post.

She didn't even notice that Nick had drove the car and stole her keys to the gate while Larry helped us sneak back through. I knocked on the door lightly. A few minutes later Ahk answered it and we quietly walked in.

"I thought we could use some help" We all looked at Ahk questionably but then the lids from some crates came off. There stood Teddy, Atilla, Dexter, Jedediah, Octavius, Dexter, and Sacajawea.

I heard Larry sigh, "Alright guys let's go. Where trying to find the Egypt section." Everyone nodded and we started walking. Surprisingly Ahkmenrah stayed beside me the whole time, tablet on his other side.

We rounded a corner and came to a room with clay sculptures of men and women who where missing body parts crawling around on the floor. It was truly a morbid scene.

"What kinda freaky museum is this?" I smiled slightly. Leave it to Jed to lighten the mood. Unconsciously I moved closer to Ahk.

Once we finally moved through the room we came down a room with animal heads on the wall. "See guys this isn't so bad." Just as Larry spoke there was thunderous steps approaching us.

"Uh dad I think you spoke to soon." We looked to where Nick was pointing. There was a huge triceratops skeleton coming straight at us.

Larry picked a bone off the wall. "Hey boy you want to play? I bet your a big softy huh? Here catch!" He through the bone at the thing. Of course it caught it.

Only to snap it in half and roar at us. "Run!" I screamed just as it charged. We ran down the hallway taking a right turn ending up in what looked like a castle room.

We hid under the balcony just as it came in. Of course Larry tried to distract it only to get pinned against a suit of armor and a wall. Next thing we know the suit shoves Larry and says, "Need some help?"

He proceeds to dodge all of the things attacks while holding a massive sword. "Here hold this." He gives the sword to Nick who struggles to hold it.

Just as the skeleton charged the man in the suit turned and punched it in the head. It whimpered and tucked it's tail between it's legs before walking away.

"Who are you?" The man turned to Larry and took off his helmet. I recognized him immediately. "Your Lancelot, Knight of the Round Table." He turned to me and bowed.

"At your service my lady." I swear I saw Ahk tense and step closer to me. He didn't have to worry, I didn't exactly trust a Knight of the Round Table.

"Well thanks for helping us Lance but we have a mission to accomplish." Larry started walking only to be stopped by Lancelot. "A quest you say? I do believe I can guide you on this quest. After all it is a knights duty." I snorted. Everyone looked at me.

"Sorry I'm allergic to bullshit." Nick elbowed me and Larry glared. I shrugged and started walking. "Come on Lancelot, we don't have all night." He sprinted to stand in front of me and I glared at the back of his head.

A bunch more walking later and we came to a room that had everything related to China in it. We where about to walk through when some bug looking thing made of metal got in the way not letting us pass.

I looked inside and some some serpent looking thing sleeping. I bent down to look at the metal bug. "We won't wake him up but we have to get through okay?" I made sure to whisper when I spoke and the bug thing nodded.

(A/N- I can't remember what the bug and serpent are called I apologize. If you know please comment.)

I motioned for everyone to come in and put a finger to my lips singling for everyone to keep quite. We where almost through when the tablet glowed and the rust spread.

Ahkmenrah collapsed and I caught him again before he hit. I thought we were okay until Teddy started saying something about war and saluting like crazy.

Next thing I know the serpent came to life. The thing was made of metal and had like 8 freaking heads. Lancelot pulled out his sword and gave Nick a dagger. Larry pulled out a flash light and they proceeded to try and distract the serpent.

I felt stupid just crouching over here. Larry was tangled up, and Lancelot and Nick where busy. I looked around for a weapon. That's when I spotted a metal staff on the wall.

I squeezed Ahk's hand and got up and ripped the staff off the wall. I looked back and saw Ahk who somehow managed to turn over and was trying to find a way to me.

I tore my vision away from him and focused on the task at hand. Time to put that training to use. Next thing I know I'm jumping of the railing, expertly swinging my staff around hitting serpent heads with a metal clang each time I make contact.

I watched as Larry untangled himself and made his way to a box on the wall. Right as he gets to the box I see one of the heads going for Teddy. I do a front flip over one of the heads and swing right before it reaches them.

I hear Larry yell, "Clear!" Just as he jumps into the air landing in the middle of the serpent. I see electricity go through the things body. A few seconds later the thing drops to the floor unconscious.

"Huh. I guess these things do save lives." I stare at him like he's insane. I see Lancelot saying something to Nick and I walk towards Ahk who's slowly standing up.

Once I get over to him he hugs me. I stood there surprised at the sudden embrace.

"Please don't do that again." I heard so much emotion in his voice that I almost started crying at the thought that I had left him.

I stepped back and grinned at him, "I make no promises Pharaoh" He smiled at me. It was a genuine smile, one that showed even in his eyes.

"Alright guys, according to that map out there were almost in the Egypt section." Larry and Lancelot started leading the way. Teddy and Sacajawea where standing close together, Nick was with Atilla, Dexter, Oct and Jed.

While I was next to Ahkmenrah. We where walking and his hand slipped into mine. And I had no intention of removing it.

Whatever happened next would either save them or hurt them, but I was going to do everything I could to make sure it saved them.

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