Just a Part of It....

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Warmth eased Castiel from his sleep, making him let out a soft sigh of comfort as he burrowed closer, his cold nose pressing against the heat. Firm arms wrapped around his frame, fingers easing through his hair and over the back of his neck, and he could feel the light that peeked through the curtains of the window bathing his back with a stripe of light.

"I don't want to get up." He heard Dean mumble, his voice tired and his soul barely stirring as the covers shifted just slightly under his moving legs. Castiel slowly opened his eyes, a small smile making his way on his face at the thought of actually being able to wake up like this, his gaze moving up just slightly and staring at the closed eyes of Dean, an annoyed look on the hunter's face as he yawned.

"I don't think anyone does, especially for school." Castiel mumbled back, his voice soft and unwilling to break the mood that had been set, the warm mood that knowing that the day won't begin without them and they could just bask in each other's presence for as long as they like.

Yet, time waited for no one, and the actual alarm went off a moment later, blaring and kicking that mood right out the window before Dean let go of Castiel and rolled over, hitting at the contraption until it fell silent. He laid there for a minute, his arm falling over his eyes before a sigh left his lips and he stood.

"Come on then, angel. We need to get ready before we end up late, like we do when we go to anything." Dean said, pulling off his clothes shamelessly and getting out clean ones for the day, walking around naked without a second thought. Castiel let his eyes wander over Dean's body, his throat feeling a bit dry as he too got out of bed, fighting the urge to make the both of them late, just one more time.

He refrained though, and stripped as well, easing his clothes off his body before grabbing his usual button down shirt and black pants, pulling them on and running his fingers through his hair. There was no need to bother with brushing it, but he did brush his teeth and made coffee while Dean took a quick shower. Castiel could never understand why he didn't just take one before bed.

It didn't take Dean long though, and they drained their morning drinks before they headed out of the dorms, Castiel holding onto Dean's arm to work as a half-support for the weak man. He was still having trouble walking, but the physical therapy was going to good, so Castiel didn't worry.

It was when they were going down the second flight of stairs that Dean's legs shook before giving away altogether. He fell forwards, with only his grip on Castiel keeping him from tumbling down the steps. The angel almost fell too, his hand snapping to the rail and holding on tight to Dean with a yelp of surprise.

Castiel got his balance back and let go of the railing, helping Dean back into a straightened position, only to freeze when Dean clutched to the railing, his legs shaking to remain upright by themselves. His heart began to rush, and his throat felt like it was closing in on itself as he moved over to Dean, sliding one arm around his shoulder and bracing Dean against him.

"Come on, let's get you to the doctors. I don't think this is normal." Castiel mumbled, worry clear in his tone as Dean had to use him for full support. The angel half carried him, half- dragged him down the rest of the stairs, watching the hunter with concern as Dean seemed to be in a lot of pain, his body suddenly stiff and locked up at his joints. 

Castiel teleported as soon as they reached an area out of sight from passing students.


"I'm sorry, Mr. Novak, but we can't do anything about it. It is muscle weakness from the accident, simple as that." The doctor said, a frown on his face at the look on Castiel's face. The angel held tightly onto Dean as they sat in the examination room, a expression of indignation crossing his eyes.

"So this muscle weakness comes out of nowhere? He wasn't this weak yesterday, or even earlier this morning. He can't even stand by himself now and you just say it's muscle weakness?" Castiel asked, his voice deepening with anger. He was struggling to keep his grace from surging, to rip this doctor apart right then and there. There was something wrong, and they better find out what it was right now.

"Cas, it's okay. It's normal to feel weak after a lot of work." Dean eased, a sullen look on his face. Despite how well he was hiding it though, Castiel could feel the pain, feel it as easy as his own, and he knew that this was nothing.

"I'm sorry." The doctor said again, shaking his head as he turned around and left the room. Castiel swallowed in frustration, turning to Dean and placing his hands on either side of his cheeks.

"What are you doing?" Dean asked, furrowing his brows as Castiel's fingertips began glowing. The angel dipped his head, his eyes glowing a bright blue and casting a luminescence across both of their chests and clothes.

"Ssh." Castiel responded, forcing his grace from his fingertips and pressing it through Dean's cheeks and into his veins, letting the soft thread of light trace through each and every vein and nerve quickly and thoroughly, checking every nook and cranny for any issue. Finding nothing, he receded, but not before letting out a soft growl of frustration as his grace came back to him, swimming in the pit of his stomach agitated.

There was something very wrong, and he was scared to find out what.


I started a new destiel called A Step Away, so make sure to check that out!

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