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Hope is a powerful thing in the species of humans. Castiel never really realized just how much hope can help someone accomplish before he saw the will and strength that it gave Dean. Even when the hunter could no longer get out of bed without help, or make it down the stairs without collapsing, he never let his head fall, and remained resilient to the crushing depression that the medicine barely kept at bay.

According to the physical therapists, his healing was going well, and Castiel wished he had the knowledge and faith they did to be so certain. It all just felt...wrong. Then again, helping Dean from his bed and half carrying him down the stairs never struck him as being right.

But, as long as Dean was smiling, so was Castiel, and he pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind as he and Dean went on a simple walk together after class. The therapists suggested they try to do it every afternoon, to help build back up the muscle that had been torn and lost in the surgery.

"I swear Cas, on my car, this cat was big as a German Sheppard." Dean claimed, spreading his hands out to show how big it was. Castiel just smiled, shaking his head as he wrapped his arm just a bit tighter around Dean's waist. It may have not looked like it to an outsider, but he could see how weak Dean felt by the slightly shaky way he walked. 

"I doubt it was that big." Castiel replied, wrinkling his nose as he tried to think of a cat that large. Dean protested to his disbelief, but it only made the angel smile. "But it does sound like it was an interesting Christmas present."

"Oh it was. It terrorized my father and pounced from the fridge onto his head all the time." Dean said, a smirk crossing his face. "It loved Sam though. It just curled up beside him and went to sleep while he petted it. I never could understand how he got along with animals so easily."

"Sam's soul is very gentle and easy to approach. I'm sure animals like it." Castiel responded, looking up as a bird called overhead and smiling. When he looked back at Dean, he saw a curious expression on his face.

""What's my soul like then? They don't seem to like me very much, except dogs for some reason." Dean asked, his legs shaking harshly as they made their way up a small hill. Castiel felt his grace tremble with him, flowing through Dean's legs and steadying them the best he could.

"Your soul is very gentle too, but it's also rash and quick to cover everything in its layer of safety." Castiel answered, his heart beginning to pick up speed as he saw the bridge and wondered if they should turn around right away. "Most animals are very hesitant in approaching and a sudden assault from a soul, no matter how good the intentions, can scare them. Dogs, on the other hand, love affection, so it's a perfect match for them."

"Oh" Dean said, a thoughtful look in his eyes as his brows furrowed. "What is your soul, or grace, or whatever you call it, like?" He asked his jaw tensing as he saw the bridge ahead. Castiel could feel the hesitation in his mind and was about to suggest they turn around, but Dean just kept walking ahead.

"It's whatever I want it to be. Our grace changes to fit the situation." Castiel replied, stopping at the start of the steps and looking at Dean. The hunter stopped too, chewing on his lip before glancing around. There was no one there at the moment.

Dean tried to climb the stairs, and he got part of the way up the second one before he legs gave out. Castiel held onto him tightly, feeling Dean bury his face in the angel's shoulder as he climbed up the last few steps, holding tightly to Dean and pressing his cheek to the side of Dean's head with a soft sigh.

"It'll get better." Dean mumbled, the hope in his voice making Castiel's throat burn as he kissed his temple, letting his grace trail through his nerves and making Dean's mouth, nose, and eyes glow with the slightest hint of blue.

"You better." Castiel answered before releasing his tight hold on Dean, helping him over to the bridge edge and letting him lean on the railing, staring down at the bubbling creek below. Silence spread between the two, but their souls brushed, dancing around each other in a gentle and elegant twirl.

"So, you know the weirdest gift I got for Christmas. What about you?" Dean asked, leaning on his elbows and relaxing as Castiel placed his hand on the rail.

"I got a tornado for Christmas." Castiel deadpanned, smiling at the memory.

"Oh, that's nice...wait, what?" Dean asked, looking over in shock as Castiel let out a light laugh, a ghost of a smile on his face.

"Yeah, Gabriel was always giving me weird things, and one day for Christmas, he took me to an uninhabited island and created a tornado for us to fly and play angel tag in." Castiel answere, looking towards the sky before glancing back towards the campus where his brother was surely driving Sam up the wall now. 

Dean let out a surprised snort, and had one eyebrow arched when Castiel looked back at him. "Angel tag? I thought you all were a bunch of dicks with wings." Dean responded, and Castiel let out a soft huff.

"No, Dean. Most of us actually do enjoy our free time. When our father was still in heaven with us, some of them even smiled or joked around ever once or while." Castiel retorted, earning a curious smirk from Dean in response.

"And what would these jokes be?" Dean asked, nudging Castiel gently with his shoulder despite the effort it took.

"You wouldn't get it. It's funnier in enochian."


So, Merry Christmas! It's been a fun time, hasn't it XD I got a new computer and let me just say, it's the best thing I've ever seen. It's fast, it's touchscreen, it's got a good keyboard, and a stylus to go with it! Plus, it's not bogged down by any programs that you don't know if you can delete or not! I hope what's left of your Christmas is good too!

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