Chapter 5: Angel The Dark Lord

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Angel was now the lord of the dark demon wolves. They were very appreciative of him killing Copper. They thought that Angel was a god because it was so hard to kill Copper. Angel said that his dad fought back but he never did. He knew that he put his mother in a world of misery but he did not care. His heart and soul were dark and no light could escape his darkness like a blackhole. Angel kept training harder and harder everyday.

Angel walked up to his messenger wolf one night and said "I want you to gather demon wolfs and get ready to take over the Golden city." They told him that they would not be ready because they had so little experience in battle. Angel grew angry and sliced through the wolf's chest and said "then we should better start training." Angel had all the demons lined up and said one at a time drink this water from my paw. All the wolves knew something about war and how to fight now.

Angel said "let's start with a small town called Comets Roar." They traveled through the portal and flew into the city. The king of that city said " would you look at this a angel that turned to a demon dog." Angel told the king to mind his own business or he will kill him just like he killed his father. The king rejected to give the city to Angel and the darkness of evil. The king said "if your father was here he would get rid of you because your pure darkness."

Angel bit the king's neck and threw him into the stables. The army of the king started a war with the darkness of evil. Angel laughed and flew into the sky and darkness started to emerge over the city. The sky turned purple with black clouds and the moon was bright red like a blood moon. Angel laughed and said " you fools actually think you can win this war against my army." The king stood up and said "no but we still have our hope and soul when we go." Angel did not say anything to that response the king said to him.

Angel bit into the king's neck and dropped him to the ground and said " now you white wolves will listen and be under my ruling." The white wolves had no choice but to surrender the city to the dark lord. Angel knew that he was very strong and that nothing could kill him ever in his life. As they flew back up the City Of Loss Angel had a strong image in his head of his father. He snapped out of it and went to his throne and said get me something to eat i'm starving. His servants were very loyal to him.

Angel ate a feast of dead enemies. His teeth were yellow but like iron and his eyes bright purple. He raley put his wings into his body since he became the dark lord. Angel went outside to look at the galaxy and saw the black hole was opening. Angel had been trained by his father and used him until he was no longer needed. Angel needed to harness all the power during the eclipse that night when he killed his father.

He sometimes wondered if he should of killed everyone in town including his mother. He knew she did nothing wrong to deserve death and either did his father but his father would of killed him eventually. He caused misery for everyone in his family. Angel said to a guard " lock down the doors no one goes in or out of this place." Angel looked up at the sky and stared at the three moons.

sometimes he had dreams of when he was a pup and his dad found him walking out of the water. Then he would wake up from the dream. Angel always wanted to destroy kingdoms and and cities. Angel laughed as he said " these small cities think they have enough power to kill me." Angel wanted all the cities and thrones to himself and he wanted to rule all.

Angel always thought that if he had enough power that he could let himself heal like his father. Later that night he went to bed and started to have a blinding dream. He could not see anything and that worried him. Angel woke up with rage and anger screaming the words "i'll kill you." Angel was paranoid to sleep again that night worrying that he would do it again.

Angel told the guard to gather the army once again to take control of another city. The city of Black Hoof had wolves that were very strong and they could stand on their two legs and shoot arrows. That was a different kind of breed in that city so Angel had to be very careful. Angel was not afraid of them but when he asked his army "are you ready for this war." They all shook their heads no.

Angel said to the guard next to him "do u think we will have victory?" The guard responded quickly "yes, my lord we always do." Angel smiled and with a dark evil laugh he looked at the prisoners. Angel said "take them to their cells." He always wondered if the wolves would treat him different if he told them the truth about how he killed his dad.

What will happen in this battle he thought to himself. He needed to clear his mind before battle. Everyone was ready and now it was time for the battle of Black Hoof. Instead of going through the portal they were gonna fly there. Angel knew the battle will be won but not easily because they had very high training.

When they got to Black Hoof the army already knew they were coming because the darkness emerged early. How could they win now Angel's men were dropping out of the sky like flies. So Angel used his speed and took all the archers bows. Angel laughed and said "get em boys." The battle was near the end and Angel was pleased with his men and how they were fighting.

The army of wolves either had to surrender or be killed. They said "we would rather have death than join you." The wolves of Black Hoof all got massacred and treated with disrespect. The lightning struck hard and over one hundred bolts struck the ground vanishing all of the dead wolves. Angel knew that he had two cities ruled by him and that he was very pleased with the victory.

Angel said to himself on the way home " the cities are mine and kill or be killed." The one guard said to Angel " you tough just like your father." Angel snapped at the guard and said "don't you ever compare me to that fool." The guard always seen his father fight and it was beautifully done but he kept that to himself. Later that night Angel took a walk in his royal house and looked at everything outside.

He looked at the stars every night to clear his head before he went to bed. He came across the guard and said " I want two men in front of my door at all times at night." He did not ask anything he just did what hes was told. Even though the guards were tired they stayed awake so they would be credited. In the morning Angel came out of his bedroom and said "well boys what do we have on this beautiful dark day."

They did not answer they were dead silent. Angel turned and said "i'm ready for another war." The men looked at him like he had three heads but the would never challenge the lord. Everything Angle did was for more power and more darkness. Angel was never happy until he was the the boss of everyone.

Angel wanted to drain the life out of the cities and until he did there would always be pain. Families got torn apart and some even got killed. Angel did not care for he had no soul. Angel said to the messenger "i want you to deliver this message to the general of war here." He did as he was told so his family would be safe.

Now it was time the time for the biggest take away of all Angel said to himself. Angel said "first i will figure out a plan so when i get there it will be very easy to take over and start to rule." Angle looked at the guard and said "no guardians will stand in our way for we are the best." Now it's time to attack The Golden city.  

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