Chapter Two A Long War

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Joe and the other marines look towards the volcano, Mount Suribachi. The mountain is still being pounded by the fleet and the occasional air strike. Joe takes his squad toward the hill.

Inside a Japanese soldier by the name of Hinata Tojo mans one of the machine guns. His captain comes by, "listen up, the Americans cannot have the mountain no matter what." says Colonal Kanehiko Atsuchi, all the men solute.

Joe and his men run up the moutain, when a rain of bullets comes down. Men that are hit fall down the hill. The marines fall back and try to shoot back. They retreat to behind the rocks when suddenly a group of four Japanese soldiers run out with thier bayonets screaming. They stab people in the chest. the Americans quickly open fire on the soldiers. The soldiers scream in pain and fall to the ground. The marines look around shocked. "what the fu--" the soldier collapses, "Sniper!"

All the solders get down. The japanese in Suribachi open fire again. More Marines scream in pain as a storm of bullets hit them. a radio man jumps on "This is the 3rd battlaion, we need aaah!" the soldier collapses.

someone else picks up the radio but he too is shot. The commander screams "We need to get out now."

The marines retreat as a group of Japanese machine guns pour fire onto them again.

Inside Suribachi, Hinata cojtinues firing. a soldier yells "American stike team!" bombs hit the mountain. Asoldier next to Hinata screams as his hand is blown off. Shrapnel slices into a man behind him. A mist of blood appears as the soldier falls crying in pain.

A bomb hits just metres away from Hinata, he is thrown back and into the wall, everything goes black.

Joe comes back the next day, this time they have more soldiers and tanks. The tanks wait as another group of planes pound Suribachi. the soldier go towards the mountain using flamethrowers and satchel charges. Japanese soldiers on fire run out of the caves. The satchels explode causing the caves tomcave in. Japanese soldiers becoming desperate to hold the mountain begin charging at the Americans. This however, does nothing.

Hinata wakes up two soldiers pick him up, "Mount Suribachi is lost, we are going to make a run to the North Caves." he joins an group of 200 other soldiers. the soldiers look back as Captain Kanehiko Atsuchi walks unfront. "Listen up, we have lost Suribachi! General Kuribayashi says for you to regroup at the North caves. I will not come with you."

He turns to his Captain, "Captain Nada will lead to victory." Atsuchi takes a grenade, Tenno Heika! Banzai! he pulls the pin on the grenade, it explodes throwing his body into the side wall killing him.

Captain Nada takes out his sword, "to victory!" the soldiers charge as they run across the open land. Joe suddenly hears the Japanese yelling, "Shit! Its a banzai charge!" a line of American maching guns open up killing some Japanese soldiers. Hinata hits the ground as Japanese soldier fall around him. He crawls towards the north caves. He gets past the line of American machine guns and runs for the caves.

He takes a breather as he enters the cave, but suddenly the soldier in front of him falls. Hinata gets down putting his hands up. He looks up to see a Japanese captain with a gun pointed at them, "You disgraces!"

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