Chapter Four Death Island

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Joe gets up and looks around, the dead bodies of soldiers litter the ground. Joe clutches his hand and stands up as best he can. He pulls shrapnel from his face he identifies his squadmaates lying dead on the ground. He pulls the dogtags off of the dead soldiers and limps toward the airport hoping that the Americans had captured it and hoping that it was not Japanese.

He readies his rifle, and tries as hard as he can to lift it. He drops it amd walks closer to the main door. He opens it, and inside are too Japanese soldiers. He puts his hands up "I surrender."

The soldiers pull him into a small roomand lock the door.

Hinata and a group of other soldiers prepare to go out and help with the airport defensive.

They have to get past lines of American offensive positions. The soldiers ready for the attack, from thier positions They can see the Airfield being pumbled by rockets and bombs. While seventy five soldier go for the iarfiled, the rest sneak out the back to one of the two caves left.Hinata takes a deep breathe, a signal is given and the 75 soldiers head for the airport.

Americans task forces begin raids on the aiport when suddenly a B-29 bomber flies overhead.

The pilot quickly radio's in "This is a crew from a Tokyo bombing running, we need to land! we have taken heavy damage!"

The man in the tower responds "You can't land here it is under enemy control."

The pilots respond back "We have no choice."

The plane starts its decent, the Japanese blast the runway with morters and try to hit the plane. One morter hits the ground sending shrapnel into the engine. The engine explodes and the plane slides to a halt less than 500 feet from the end.

The crew members all run out of the plane in one piece.

A captain turns to the marines behind him, "See, this is what we fight for!"

The marines cheer and assualt the airport, Hinata and the other seventy four soldiers see this. The Japanese captain looks at his men "serve your emperor well, the aiport stays under our command!"

The soldiers run into battle stabbing who they can. An all out hand to hand combt breaks out, people use what they can, shovels, bayonets, hands. The battle ends the landing strip is in Americans hands.

Hinata lies on the ground with a bullet in his thigh. He clutches his thigh as sharp pain rushes through his body.

Joe sits in the room as he hears gunshots and two screams. he screams "Hey! help I'm in here! I'm American." Two soldiers open the door with their rifles pointed at him.

outside, Joe finds a Japanese soldier clutching his thigh. Joe yells "We have a live on here."

Two soldier load thier guns and point it at Hinata. Joe knocks the guns out of thier hands, he might know something. The soldiers pick him up when someone screams "Another live one here!" a squad of marines go to pick him up when click **boom** a fireball swallows five men.

The soldiers take Hinata to the medical ship, they treat him. Two days later he awakes to the sound of machine gunfire. An American soldier runs around screaming "kamikaze!" (meaning divine wind, when a pilot would crash his plane into an enemy's ship).

The ship begins rocking, then an explosion rips the side of the ship open, Hinata is sucked down, as the ship begins taking on water. Hinata dives into the water and swims for the shore. He walks arounds near some caves when suddenly, someone pulls him in.

a group of four soldier sit there. The captain speaks "Hello, I am Captain Fujito, this is Kenji, Suzuki, and Toshi."

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