Chapter Six The End is Near

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The American soldiers finally reach the other side of the island, joy breaks out among the ranks. They realize the battle might finally be coming to an end.

Hinata lays with Toshi in the cave, all around them, soldiers run about. Soldiers litter the hallway injured. Suddenly a group of soldiers come around looking for men able to move. They come to Hinata "We are running low on ammunition, there is no food. We are going to make a final charge and die and honourable death. If you are able, you may join in, or there is a pack of grenades, take one and comitt hari kiri (suicide)."

Hinata shakes his head, and so does Toshi. The soldiers move down the line, suddenly explosions followed by screams fill the tunnel. Others start crying and yelling. General Kuribayashi comes down the hallway and looks at Hinata and Toshi "You too, you are able to walk, I need you to burn all the information here, documents and letters."

Hinata and Toshi stand up and bow. Hinata helps Toshi to the mission room where they find stacks of papers. They find matches and begin to burn the papers they find.

Kuribayashi stands at the caves entrance with his last 175 men, he bows "You all have served the emporer well, and your country. Unfortunatly, we have lost the war. I ask you, the last men, to come with me and lead a final attack against our enemy. I will always be i front of you." He puts his hands up "Banzai!"

The soldiers grab what little ammo they have and head for the exit of the cave. The soldiers exit the cave and head for a small canyon, where mortors are no use and tanks are useless as well.

A captain accompanies Kuribayashi, Kuribayashi raises his sword, "Tenno heika, Banzai!"

The soldiers charge in a chaotic charge, killing American soldiers in thier tents. The Japanese guns have no ammo, they begin bayonetting soldiers. The Americans grab what they can, shovels, the butts of guns, and thier hands. mens all around are bruttally killed.

Kuribayashi is hit by a grenade and screams in pain.

Hintata and Toshi inside the cave hear noises, they run outside to see American soldiers pointing thier guns at the entrance, Hinata puts his hands up. A group of Japanese soldiers come out and open fire on the group. Hinata seeing the caves are lost, flees with Toshi.

Daylight falls over the island, Hinata and Toshi find Kuribayashi and the captain, the general is clutching his leg as blood pours from his wound. Hinata looks at him, suddenly a sniper hits the Captain, he screams as pool of blood forms around his head. The soldiers scramble

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