Chapter 25-26

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Chapter Twenty-five

The following morning ushered in a crisp fall day, the kind that evoked thoughts of a sweet new year filled with apples and honey. The High Holidays had come and gone—they'd been early this year— but the swirl of scarlet, yellow, and orange leaves outside was a reminder of the season. Lena gave Max extra hugs before leaving for work.

She was under strict instructions not to tell Hans or Collins about her conversation with Lanier. He had come over after she called, and sat, ironically, in the same spot on the sofa as Collins. She told him everything. Then they discussed her options.

"I want you to work for us."


"The United States."

"I thought I already was. Through Collins."

"We haven't been able to pin him down. He may be a rogue agent, working for himself because he wasn't formally assigned to Manhattan. Or maybe he's something else. We just don't know."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Essentially, we want you to mix up your intel. Put misleading information in some of the documents you pass to Hans. Collins too. Things that either mean nothing or are outright lies."

Lena bit her lip, thinking back to the sketch of the Pile she'd altered. She told Lanier about it.

"Exactly. Good work. That's what we want."

"But how? How will I figure out what is meaningful and what isn't?"

"I'll let you know. I'll take a look at everything you're planning to pass. A day won't make much difference. You'll have to make sure I get a copy of everything before you send it on."

"How will I get it to you?"

"How do you do it now?"

She told him.

He nodded. "We'll set up our own dead drop."

She ran a hand through her hair. "What happens when they realize the documents have been adulterated?"

"They won't," he paused, "if you're careful. Remember, you're going to be passing them genuine intel also."

"To Collins too, you say?"

Lanier nodded. "At this point, it's better to be safe than sorry, don't you agree?"

Lena didn't reply.

"Hey. I'm gonna do my best to back you up. You're working for the good guys now."

Skeptical, she flashed him a look.

"Okay." He shifted. She could smell his aftershave. "Now, let's talk about tomorrow."


Lena had two tasks. One, she was to tell Hans that Irving was now suspected of spying himself, and it was her fault. She would ask Hans what he could to manage the situation. She would also talk about winding down her work. She would tell him she was prepared for the consequences, but she had to be honest; she was slowly going mad with guilt. Two, she would tell Irving about Collins' visit. He deserved to know he was under surveillance, she would say. Perhaps together they could come up with a solution to the Colonel's scheming.

She wanted to talk to Irving right away, but she had to wait; he usually dropped by around lunchtime. Today, though, lunchtime came and went without him. Lena asked Sonia if she'd seen him. Sonia shook her head.

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