Ch.11 The Interview (UNEDITED)

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Dedication to @Vetkitt94 because you always comment and sometimes they are lengthy. And you were the only one who answered all the question at the end in the previous chapter. Thank you so much!! It really means a lot :) <3

Like Jericho had predicted the past two weeks had been overly busy for him, from clients to court meetings all the way too interviews. An interview is where he found himself at the moment. In the studio of Business Entertainment, he was being prepared for the celebrity interview of the month. Jericho rarely agreed to interviews, but after receiving the questions  beforehand he thought what the hell. The questions were loosely  based on his current donations to poor countries in Africa, Europe and Asia and what his future plans were for the newer schools he had financially helped.

"...I'm happy to invest and  that's why I donate every month." Jericho answered the last question, afterwards taking a sip of his warm coffee.

"You're a good man Jericho," Wilson, the talk-show host began, setting his cards aside, "so answer us this. How are you holding up?"

Jericho remained friendly, despite wanting to get up and leave the studio. He was here to talk about his business, not his personal life, but with the camera rolling Jericho remained neutral.

"What do you mean?" Jericho asked, a tight smile on his lips as he warned Wilson with his eyes.

Wilson smirked, leaning back more into his red arm chair. He had Jericho in his studio, so why not press the man for more information about his personal affairs. "With Tori Smith's upcoming murder case. I mean you seem to be doing just fine with your newest Jericho-fangirl. Her name is Daisy Zamora, am I right?"

"She's not a fangirl." Jericho clarified, crossing his arms over his chest. "We're dating and our relationship has nothing to do with Tori. It's been years since she passed."

"It's been four years, but you're still trying to keep her alive." Wilson turned his attention to the big screen behind them, a smile on his chubby face. "You can't tell me you've never noticed the similarities between your new Tori and the real Tori."

The large screen behind them had a picture of Daisy on the left side and on the right side a picture of Tori. The women shared the same dark hair, big blue eyes, high cheek bones and heart shaped lips. They could have been distant relatives, or even cousins.

Jericho glanced at the large screen too, his eyebrows raising as he let a careless expression slip on his face. "What can I say, I like beautiful women."

Wilson's smile dropped. Clearly he wanted a reaction from Jericho, but the billionaire wasn't letting the questions affect him.

"Well that's all the questions we have for you. Thanks for coming." Wilson stood up, as well as Jericho. "Everybody, Jericho Maverick."

The audience of the talk-show started clapping and whistling, some even screaming Jericho's name. Jericho blew a kiss towards the crowd and winked at no one in particular, causing the screams to get even louder.

Jericho turned towards Wilson, offering him a hand shake. Jericho made sure he tightened his grip on Wilson's hand, squeezing it to the point where the host tried pulling away.

"You'll be hearing from me, Asshole." Jericho harshly whispered into Wilson ear, before pulling back and waving at the crowd as he walked off the stage and into the dressing rooms.

Pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration, Jericho suddenly through a punch at the mirror. The glass shattered under the force of his punch, the loud sound piercing the silence in the room.

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