Ch.23 The Secrets We Keep (UNEDITED)

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5 hours after Jericho received the phone call from Alec.

Daisy was crouched in the small shower, warm water pelting down her skin and mixing with her tears. Her usually vibrant blue eyes were red and puffy, her short hair clinging to her scalp before curling at the nape of her neck. Her petite body shook with sobs, as she held on to her mothers necklace.

It was baffling how one simple phone call could crush a girls world. Daisy had received the call about her mothers death two nights ago. It wasn't completely surprising, but Daisy hadn't expected it to happen so soon. She had just talked to her mother and the older woman seemed her usual self, so when the news reached Daisy that her mother had passed away, she was more than devastated. Her heart literally broke, and if that hadn't been enough, the press had to expose her mothers death as if the woman had been this horrible person.

Woman charged with murder in 2010 dies in prison ...

Susan Morris, convicted killer dies after five years in prison ...

Another killer escapes their full sentence ...

Daisy was such an emotional mess, she could barely function. Simple daily tasks seemed useless now that Daisy had lost her mother. What was she living for? Jeffrey was still a jerk, even seeming happier the past two days. Lillian was away on a road trip with her shopping friends, not that she was much nicer than her father. Victoria and Ella had gone back-packing across Europe, and the relationship between the two best friends was strained ever since Jericho's involvement in Daisy's life. And Jericho himself was in Switzerland, dealing with his own problems.

It was hard, trying to get over Jericho. They hadn't even dated for a long period, but somewhere in-between those two months Daisy had really developed feelings for the man. She cared for him despite their break up and the things that had happened between them. And with Jericho over seas, Daisy wondered if he was getting the help he truly needed. She was constantly thinking about him, possibly falling for him.

A loud knock on the bathroom door interrupted Daisy's thoughts. Reaching up to shut off the water, she stepped out of the shower on shaky legs, before wrapping a towel around herself. "Yeah?" She called out, her voice hoarse.

"Get out the damn shower, we have paying customers downstairs!" Jefferey growled out, banging on the wooden door making it rattle within its frame.

Daisy wiped her flushed cheeks, lips trembling. "I'll be out in a second ..."

Getting dressed in a pair of baggy jeans, a tank-top and a flannel, Daisy quickly blow-dried her hair, before slipping on her shoes. Snapping on her mothers necklace, she tucked the silver pendant into her shirt, before making her way downstairs.

The restaurant was already full, which wasn't unusual for the early afternoon. But it was the customers that were there that made Daisy uneasy. These were people who looked wealthy in their suits and odd trench coats. Usually the restaurant was dined by middle class people, or even people from the poorer side of town. Nonetheless Daisy began to take their orders, ignoring the whispers about her mothers death.

At the end of the day Daisy was completely exhausted, sweat dotting her forehead and her skin feeling clammy. Locking up the restaurant, Daisy sat down at one of the tables for a moment. Pulling off her apron, Daisy made her way to the staircase, an apple in her hand.

"Daisy, hold on for a second." Turning to Jeffrey, Daisy was knocked off her feet as the older man swung a heavy object at her head.


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