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Luke's POV

I was about to tell her that's when her phone rings. Perfect timing.

"Hold a second." she stood up and answer the call.

I was thinking on how would I tell her. She might reject or avoid me which is the worst. She has a boyfriend.Knowing her, she never had a guts to cheat on a relationship.

I was in a deep thought when I hear a sob. I turn to the sound of sobbing and saw her, hand covering her mouth, eyes with tears and her phone on her ears. I ran quickly to her.

"Leish what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"Nathan,h-h-he got an a-accident a..and he's.." she hugged me and cried on my chest.

"and he's dead." she whisper sobbing.

Seeing her cry makes my heart broken into pieces. I never saw her like this.

She pulled away the hug and ran out. I followed her.

"Leish wait!" I called her, she collapsed on the grass.

"I have to go there. I should be there." she said,bursting in tears.

"It's fine Leish, want me to brought you to him?" she looks at me with hopeless look.

She shook her head.

"If that's one drive away,I'll be there, b-but he's in Canada." her tears started to fall uncontrobably.

"Shhh... it will be fine. He's in better place."

"I don't know Luke, I love him so much I can't bare seeing him lifeless."

Know what hurts? The girl you love cries for someone they love so much. And that's not me.


Sorry this is short and late update. Writer's block i guess.
But I'll try to update.

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