Chapter 6 //"Aribella, it's a party dress not a fireman's outfit"

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Chapter 6 //"Aribella, it's a party dress, not a fireman's outfit"

Friday arrives too quickly. I am currently at home sitting at my dressing table in a dressing gown while Emily burns every cell out of my hair.

"Does this much smoke usually come out the straighteners? " I cough. I can't even see straight because the smoke is burning my eyes.

"You complain way too much. God you're not going to get anywhere in life, I'm done anyway"

I look at my dark brown hair in the mirror. It is crisp straight, Emily takes a bobby pin and pins back a strip of my hair that likes to cover my eyes.

I roll my eyes and walk over to my bed.

"What are you sitting on Vincent?" I pull the material from underneath my cat.

"Vincent Van Furball to be exact" Snorts Emily.

"Don't blame me if Elliott and Daniel came up with the name when we were 12. You should have seen the other names they came up with. They were way past PG rating"

I stroke Vincent's back as he purrs. He is a bright orange colour with patches of white here and there.

Actually if you placed Vincent of Winter's head you'd think she had a messy bun in her hair. I can tell you that I know this from experience.

"What is this?" I lift up the shiny dark blue strip of material.

"That is a strapless push up bra Crescent"

"It looks like a piece of cloth. No way am I wearing it, it looks like it will suffocate my nuts"

"Your nuts" Emily asks.

"Yes my nuts or would you rather I called them my blossoms?"

"Well it looks like Vincent rather enjoyed sitting in it" Emily laughs as she grabs it out my hand and picks off the ginger cat hairs.

"I don't see why Elliott even invited me he's probably going to throw me off the roof or throw me in front of a car"

"Or throw you on the bed once I'm finished getting you ready" Emily laughs under her breath.

"What was that Emily?"

"Nothing Crescent and you need to stay positive. Hey, maybe you should start these meditation classes my mom's started going to!"

I give her a horrified expression. "I'm joking girl, lighten up" She rummages through my closest chucking unwanted clothes behind her.

"Maybe I should wear this" I hold up a cute grey dress.

"Yeh totally, that is such a good idea, if you want to die as a nun!"

"Okay then" I chuck the dress behind me. I'll clean it up later.....or maybe never.

"Oh my holy macaroni, this is perfect" She holds up a short blue dress. In the middle, there is a shiny dark blue strip wrapped around the dress. The straps are also the same shiny colour while the rest of the dress is black. And it has a very very low neckline, actually, it isn't even a neckline.

After an argument, I am locked in the bathroom with the bra and dress.

I hear a heavy knock and I sigh as peep my head around the bathroom door.

"You forgot this" Emily holds up a matching dark blue thong.

I cling on to the door as I snort with laughter. "I don't think anyone is going to see my undies, I'd rather wear my granny panties"

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