Chapter 29// It's you Cress or it's no one, there will never be an in-between"

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Chapter 29// It's you Cress or it's no one, there will never be an in-between"

I shuffle in my bed trying to get in a comfortable position as I continue to peacefully sleep. My arms are wrapped around a pillow and I'm deep under my duvet as it's so cold in my room.

"Dawson" I think for a moment that I've heard the voice in my head but then I here it again.

I peel my eyes open and groan at the person to get the hell out.

"Cress, I need you to wake up"

The voice makes me instantly open both my eyes and I see him sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Elliott if you wanted to sleep in my bed, you don't need to ask" I tell him pulling the duvet over my head.

"Cress, I need you to come with me" His voice sounds desperate and nervous. This time I sit up and rub my eyes. I look up at him and see his dark shadow but his blue eyes stand out in the darkness.

He walks over to my light switch and turns it on. I close my eyes at the pain of the bright light. Prick.

"What the hell is wrong with you Elliott?" I tell him off.

"Keep your voice down, or else you'll wake up Daniel" He shushes me. He's wearing a navy blue Nike sweatshirt and a pair of ripped black jeans. Those really don't look like bedtime cuddle clothes.

Am I the only one who finds guys in black seriously attractive?

"Please, Elliott you know Daniel sleeps like the dead" I laugh as I slip on a hoodie.

I throw my hair in a high messy ponytail and rub a hand across my face. Elliott watches me with a smile on his lips.

I near my bathroom door and put on my tan ankle length uggs.

I go back to my bed and flop next to Elliott.

"Now what was it you wanted?" I ask Elliott.

"I need you to come with me, it's really important" He says with a serious face.

"Okay give me a second let me change and..."

"We don't have time, we need to go now!" He growls at me, jesus this boy needs a nap.

I look down at myself I'm wearing my hoodie and a pair of PJ shorts. Oh joy, this is going to be fun.

"Not a chance" I warn him but before I can begin to strip out my PJs Elliott has scooped me up in to his arms: bridal style.

DunDunDaDun, here comes the bride.

I'm about to shout at him to put me down until I remember that Daniel is just down the hall.

"Elliott we're not running away to get married in Las Vegas are we?" I ask. He's grasping on to me tightly against this chest, I feel his chest shake as he laughs at that.

I wrap my arms around his neck for security, he leaves my room and practically hops down the stairs in style towards the front door.

"Put me down Grayson " I tell him but he completely ignores me.

"Dawson you're coming whether I have to tie you up or not" And with that he carries me out of the house in to the night.

His car is parked at the front of the driveway and he pushes me in to the car, he climbs in next to me and turns the heating up.

I look at the digital clock. 1:22 AM. Is this boy bloody insane?

"Elliott I swear to god you've lost the plot, have you seen the time, do you think you are some kind of night creature" I shout at him but he's still smiling. What is wrong with this boy?

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