Chapter 43// "No Crescent it's not a book couple it's you"

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Chapter 43// "No Crescent it's not a book couple it's you"

I was currently washing the dishes and putting them in a pile ready to dry them afterwards. That was until my phone rings.

"Hello" I say leaning my phone against my shoulder as Icontinue to go through the dishes. Why the hell does Daniel use a new plate for every single piece of food he eats?

"Emily are you there?" I sigh in to the phone.

"Cress I don't know how to tell you this. I'm just so excited my ship is finally sailing"

My ears perk up "Oh really what book are you reading, I'll order it on Amazon tonight"

"NO Crescent it's not a book couple it's you"

"Wait what, no more fake dates please"

"So I was talking to Aiden"

"Wait you talk to Aiden" I smile in to the phone. I feel a ship being born.

"NO, maybe yes? That's not the point. So Aiden was out with Conner"

"Aiden and Conner are going out. I didn't see that coming " I was only kidding with her but it made me laugh at how pissed she was getting with me.

"I'm going to murder you through the phone. Aiden told me that Conner thinks you're hot and he likes you," she squeals in to the phone.

"What" I shout out as I drop the plate I was currently soaping in to the sink. Thank god it wasn't broken.

"As in Conner Ryder, the seriously hot bad boy of our school likes me. The football captain"

"Yes!" Emily replies in a really high-pitched voice. "I think you should ask him out. Just shout his name through your window"

I snort "Not a chance"

"Come on use that girl power, show that you are a strong female that can be in charge of the relationship"

There was no chance I was walking up to Conner and asking him to go on a date with me. What if he said no, actually there was no chance he would say yes!

"Bye Emily" I say to her while she was currently listing reasons why I should ask him out. I put the phone on the counter next to me and let out a large breath.

Damn, Conner Ryder likes me!

"What about this one?" Winter points at the screen on my Macbook.

"No pink isn't my color it makes me look green" I sigh as Winter lifts a strand of my hair.

"We really need to get your roots down I'm not digging this whole brown to blonde thing" I ignore her though I knew she was right.

"What about this one for you, it's the exact coral blue your looking for it would be perfect for the Christmas dance," I point out. Winter, blue it was always the same.

"I need something more revealing" she shrugs.

Of course she does.

Winter sighs and lies back on my bed. Guys think it was easy picking out a dress. Winter and me had been at it for hours looking for the perfect dress for our final High school Christmas dance.

Lucky for Winter a jock had already asked her to the dance as opposed to me who had no one to go with. I cringe at the memory of going to the Christmas dance with Carter last years. Goes to show first impressions are nothing.

"Did you hear that?" Winter suddenly says sitting up. I give her a confused look.

I raise my eyebrows as I hear a knocking sound on my window.

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