Chapter 39// "Did you know your pretty little boyfriend shot someone?"

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Chapter 39// "Did you know your pretty little boyfriend shot someone?"

I look at the message in my phone in fear "We need to talk it's important – Ryan.

The second the message came through I blocked the unknown number and sat there staring at it endlessly. I wanted to ignore it. Pretend I never received the message.

But something inside me was eating me up. What if it was about Elliott?

I knew the reason why Ryan must have got my number. He must have Facebook stalked me. Because a few years ago Emily thought it was smart to put my number of Facebook.

I got many messages from many strangers. But that was beside the point. The number was hidden deep inside my facebook along with multiple other posts.

Ryan must have been going through my facebook in detail. Which sort of made me feel sick to the stomach because if it was another guy I wouldn't of minded but Ryan. Well that was sort of creepy.

"You look like either you going to throw your phone or yourself out the window?" I heard a loud voice say out loud. I glance over to my window where my curtains were wide open and there was a smirking Conner. Excuse me but what happened to privacy. I have human rights? But obviously the idiot who build the house didn't think of that.

"I'm really not in the mood to see your face" I tell him honestly. It was annoying that he was just standing there casually smiling at me like some kind of model while my hair was thrown up in to a scruffy ponytail.

"It's not my fault I had to see what was going on. You were swearing like a crazy women two minutes ago"

"Well it's got nothing to do with you" I shout at him rudely.

"I'm guessing it's boyfriend issues"

"Excuse me" I choke. That was an embarrassment, Ryan being called my boyfriend. I shiver at the thought.

'What did he do this time? Did he buy you the wrong color of roses? Or ..."

"I don't have a boyfriend" I growl at him, he knew things with Elliott and me didn't work out to well, so he was really pulling at my strings right now

"Good because he would be every annoyed if he found you standing there right now checking me out"

I feel my face brighten up in embarrassment. I change my gaze to a spot on my wall. I don't think I was checking him out.

"And the good girl blushes" He teases me.

'Say that to me again and I'm going to climb over this window and punch you"

"Your cute when you get all feisty and give out meaningless threats"

I stick my middle finger up at him and I hear him laugh lightly.

"So are you going to tell me who messaged you"

I furrow my eyebrows, why was he so desperate to know who messaged me, unless he knew. But how could he...

"Good night Conner" I say softly as I pull my curtain closed.


It was lunch and I was currently on my way through the car park off to the main hall with the crowd of students. I was in my own imaginary world, but that I meant I was still trying to work out how I nearly failed my AP calculus test. I really needed to get my head out the gutter and stop thinking about Conner and Ryan, when I should be trying to pass that class.

Suddenly I feel my wrist being pulled and I'm in between 2 cars with as certain blonde hair boy. I let out a squeak of surprise and he brings his finger to his lip to hush me.

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