Chapter 24// "And he kisses me"

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Chapter 24// "And he kisses me"

I stir awake as I feel the dim light hitting off my eyelids. My body is warm as I feel someone wrapped tightly and securely around me. I peel one eye open at a time.

It's like a scene from a killer party, people are sprawled across the floor, some lying in piles.

I feel stiff as I have my back propped up against the wall. But I don't want to move, I never want to move.

My left arm is limply wrapped around his shoulder like I'm hugging him, then my other is placed on his lap with the palm facing upwards. His head is leaning against mine, some of his soft brown hair brushing my forehead. Against my shoulder I feel his chest moving as he breathes.

My cheek is touching the inside of his warm neck. I slightly shift myself so I'm able to glance at his face. His long dark lashes are nearly brushing his high cheekbones. His face is priceless. There's no expression, no anger, and no quirky smirks.

He slowly peels his deep blue eyes open his face only centimetres away from mine. When he sees me looking up at him he gives me a sweet smile.

"Good morning beautiful" He leans down to kiss my forehead, his soft lips brushing against my hairline, my heart stops and my eyes widen.

My expression instantly changes, and that's when it hits Elliott. Simultaneously, we both pull back from each other awkwardly.

"Crescent?" he asks as though he can't believe it's me. Elliott cracks his neck, clearly still half-asleep.

"Wow I didn't mean to kiss you, I didn't know, well I don't know what I was thinking."

"It's okay Grayson I know my morning complexion is too tempting for any guy. Don't blame yourself they all fall for it" I joke.

That's when I see a shadow standing in front of me, I look up and raise an eyebrow at the figure.

"Problem here Aribella?" I try and add some humor. But this girl is having none of it. She suddenly grabs my arm and yanks me up, today she is completely raging.

For a second we are staring in each other's  look alike eyes, her eyes blazing in anger.

"Aribella..." I begin, feeling really confused but I don't get the chance to  finish as her hand shoots up and slaps my right cheek. When Aribella slapped me, I saw from the corner of my eye that Winter flinched almost like she was the one being slapped.

I clutch my burning cheek. "You bitch" She snarls venomously. Elliott is instantly at my side, his face is tense and he looks a mixture of upset and angry.

"Aribella, don't you dare" Elliott warns.

"No, don't you even try and tell me off, this is all because of  you" Her voice is cracking like she's in serious pain.

Daniel has also reached my side, concern written all over his face.

"There you are Crescent, two boys always at your side as usual, you're so needy"

"What's going on?" Daniel asks rubbing his eyes obviously having just woken up.

"Have you not noticed? Well Daniel let me enlighten you? Your best friend is in love with your sister"

The room is shocked into silence, some people sit with their mouth's hanging open. I look at Elliott's angelic face but it's filled with surprise. Then dare I say, I turn to Daniel, his face is beyond expression.

"Elliott every time you slept with me, you told me I was special, you told me it would be me that you would love one day, that every other girl was a pass time" Her voice is aching like Elliott has betrayed her. 

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