When people would tell me about
Their family members in the hospital
So close to death
I would frown and tell them
How deeply sorry I was
And then think to myself
I'm glad i'm not going through that
But it's different now
It's me this time
When they told me you had to
Be in that disgusting place for a month
And then have surgery
I cried.
My tears flowed down my face
And they didn't stop
Because this couldn't be happening
It couldn't be you
You're not only my grandpa
But you're a father figure
You were there for me
When I was little
And my parents couldn't be
I couldn't imagine a life where
we didn't make Christmas cookies every year
Or you didn't threaten to show a new boy in my life your knife collection
Where I wouldn't receive your funny audio birthday cards
Where I couldn't go to you if I needed help
Or advice
Or just a hug
I can't imagine not being able to just walk
From my backyard
Next door to yours
To open the door and see you
Sitting in your special chair
Playing sudoku
I don't know what I would do without you
And I hope to god I don't have to find out
For a long time
So please get better
Please come home
I need you
And I love youAll the love xx
-your favorite granddaughter