Chapter 4

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“Blood Bound”

2011 © All Rights Reserved

Chapter 4

Leo stalked down the long narrow halls of his home with meaningful purpose.  Of all the times that Mommy dearest could have called,  why in Satan’s name did it have to be now. This night, when he was about to bring his bride completely over into his world so that she may walk through eternity with him.  

With much more force than necessary he pushed the door open to his study and made great strides to the waiting phone sitting on his desk.  The entire time his back teeth clenched tightly in irritation.  Stopping at his desk he took a quick moment to close his eyes and check in on his desert flower.  He could only smile when he saw her sitting on the bed staring intently at the door.  How wonderful, he thought, she can’t wait for me to come back to her.  They were going to make the perfect life partners together.

Blinking his eyes, Leo brought himself back to the study and glowered down at the phone.  Ten years, nearly a decade that the woman has made no effort to contact him until now.  Why now of all times?  Why call on him over all of his other brothers and sisters.  He had a slew of them, four sisters and six brothers to be exact.  All of them now coupled with their own life partners and a gaggle full of children in tow.    

There was only one way to find out.  Taking the plunge, Leo picked up the ungodly phone and brought it to his ears.

“Hello” he said stiffly.

“Leonardo, darling.  How are you?” his mother asked in a tune ladled with her rich Italian accent.

Leo blew out a steadying breath in an effort to stay composed.  “I’m fine mother.  What brings you to call upon me this night?”

Leo’s Mother, Isabella, harrumphed.  “Now, is that any way to greet your mother Leonardo?  The lady that carried you for nine long months.  The same lady that spent hours bringing you into this world.  The lady that coddled you through your troubled youth.”

The same lady that screams Drama Queen a million times over and is only concerned with that which affects her, Leo thought wryly.

Leo was determined to be as civil as possible.  This was his mother after all , for better or worse, as she so kindly pointed out moments before.  With false sweetness infused his tone he answered, “No mother, I only meant to ask if there was something….um, wrong?”

Leo heard her bristle.  Something was up, most definitely, which is why he was the one called above all the other siblings.

“Nothing is wrong darling.  Can’t a mother just call and say hello to her son?”  

Nooo, Leo thought to himself.  Especially after ten years of nothing, nada, zilch.  Not even a measly Christmas card.  Instead of speaking his mind though, Leo went for more of a non-combative  approach and settled on the more obvious.  “Okay mother” he drawled out slowly still unsure that she was being totally honest with him, “It’s good to hear that you are well.”

At first the line was silent.  A cold distant silence that spanned the miles between the two people who were merely connected by the audio waves that remained invisible to the naked eye.  

Then it came.  

The waterfall of tears.  

At first the sound was so soft, so inferior that Leo almost didn’t hear it. Then it grew louder and more insistent.  The sound of sobbing.  Uncontrollable female bawling that played havoc on Leo‘s sensitive hearing.

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