Chapter 5

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“Blood Bound”

2011 © All Rights Reserved

Chapter 5

It was liquid ambrosia, the sweetest of treats, a delicacy that Leo would treasure for the rest of his immortality.  Shelby’s life essence was phenomenal as it flowed into his mouth and slithered down his throat giving him a whole new perspective on life itself.  

It was a struggle but all too soon Leo reluctantly released her neck and took great care in licking at the two pin points that he made on her creamy flesh so that they would close and heal properly.  With Shelby’s blood running in his veins, Leo felt rejuvenated and exhilarated; he was like a whole new man now that he had finally claimed what he had waited eleven long years to take.  Shelby was officially his.

Leo was now linked with his life partner in every way and now nothing, absolutely nothing, would come between them.  With her blood in him, Leo would now know exactly where his bride would be at all times.   She was now one with him and in three days time she would his equal.  His life partner that would love him and eventually bear his children that would one day live to carry on the Risso name.   

Shelby felt different, languid even.  Everything seemed fuzzy around her.  Noises.  Sounds.  Was she really awake or was all of this a dream?  

Blinking her eyes she tried to focus on the dark stranger that was standing so close to her.   So close that she could feel the heat of his body warming her own suddenly chilled skin.  

 “What? What is happening to me?” she asked weakly.  The guy reached out and placed his hands on her shoulders to steady her as she swayed slightly to the left.

“My sweet, we are only finishing what we started all those years ago,” Leo responded with that hypnotizing voice of his.  It was deep and smooth and when he spoke she felt something inside of her start to come to life.  

Shelby leaned her head back against the wall.  She needed a minute, just a minute so that she could get her bearings together and demand that this stranger take her back to her apartment.  No matter how damn sexy he may be, she had no right to shack up with him when she hardly knew him.  No, Shelby wasn’t that type of person.

She tried to take a step forward but her body didn’t seem to be cooperating with her.  Her legs wouldn’t move and her arms felt like wet noodles.  It was becoming more and more imperative Shelby rationalized that she go home before she ended up doing something really stupid like give in to this handsome dark stranger and beg him to relieve her of this ache that was starting to bloom deep in her core.

“I,” she held up her hand and started but then had to stop because she had already forgotten what she was originally going to say.  

This was not like her.  Shelby didn’t know why she was acting like a total flake.  While taking a few deep steadying breaths she felt the gentlest of touches brush against her cheek.  Her eyes opened wide as she stared back into the inky black eyes of the God like man  who was looking down at her with nothing but adoration.

“Sshh my sweet.  You need to rest now.”

“What?” she said dreamily.  Why can’t I center myself.  What on earth is wrong with me?

Leo reached down and hooked one hand underneath her legs while using the other to cradle her back, lifting Shelby into his arms bridal style.  Her heart beat was already beating in time with his, affirming that there bodies were already syncing themselves together.  The process had begun; she would shed the last remnants of her human self and soon, very soon, become one of his world.

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